Chapter 20: Showdown

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His feet hit the ground, and Y/N looked up at the stadium in front of him. His rifle hit his back as he stood up now, taking a deep breath as he stood up. Before he was an open field that led into the stadium, it left him slightly nervous. He could see snipers and red lines trailing from the end of their guns. He grabbed his rifle from around his back, once upon a time he thought this gun could break a star if he wanted it to. But that hope was long gone. All he had to do was find the general, and make sure the man stopped breathing. Even if it cost him his own life.

Chapter 20

The halls loomed in the darkness, the storm had knocked the power out long ago. Clad in black armor, a soldier walked down the hall, patrolling the area diligently. There was the sound of something clanging against the ground, causing the soldier to turn with his gun aimed. The light off of the barrel of his gun shone onto what had hit the ground. He was met with an aluminum can. The soldier lowered his gun at the revelation, turning back to continue his patrol. Before he could make the turn, an arm snaked around his neck and brought him low to the game. "Shh," Y/N shushed, taking a combat knife out and driving it into his neck. The soldier resisted for a moment, then fell lifeless on the ground.

Y/N stood up, wiping the blade clean of blood and stashing it back in its sheathe. He stood in the darkness, looking around. The radio of the soldier beneath him crackled to life, and he reached down to grab it, holding it up. "We're getting ready to leave... over and out." Y/N looked at the radio, holding onto it now. This stadium was massive, he walked quietly through it. His footsteps muffled as he stepped lightly, careful to not make much noise.

Currently, he was in a canteen of sorts, it looked better than what they had at Jackson. Y/N looked past the counter, into the kitchen as he investigated around. The stench inside indicated that everything in there was rotten, so maybe it wasn't so good. Y/N stepped back, disgusted at the smell. Y/N could recall the stories he heard of this place when he was captured, Mel spoke highly about it. Despite the WLF's cruel nature, this place was safe. It was a haven for the kids. Y/N continued down the hall, stopping at a room not far away.

It looked like a daycare, with colorful flooring and walls with strange images on them. Furniture is all around with objects and toys littering the floor. Y/N walked in, kneeling at a toy train. He analyzed it over, then put it into his backpack. Despite what the WLF did to him and Dina, he couldn't help but pity them. He stood up and turned, leaving the daycare.

The halls felt too empty as he walked through them, rooms that should've held people were left abandoned. The lights flickered as they tried to use the little power left. "This storm is... what's that?" A voice called from his radio.

Y/N unclipped it from his waist so he would be able to hear it clearer. The storm was raging on the other side of the radio as he heard muffled yelling. "We're getting swarmed... Eastside!" The voice yelled, and Y/N could hear the fair sounds of an infected screeching. On his way in, Y/N had taken out the snipers, leaving this place vulnerable to an attack like that. That just meant he would have to move quickly because the General would be leaving soon. The radio crackled again, and Y/N could hear the faint sound of screaming. Beyond that were the yells of runners as they tore apart the guards stationed outside. He was dooming several people to their death.

He brought his backpack around and reached in, pulling out the high-level explosive from inside. He walked up to the nearest wall, knocking on it slightly and listening for the echoes. He didn't want anyone leaving this place alive, not if Y/N could help it. He planted the bomb and started the timer, looking around. There was an escalator nearby that had been shot of its power a long time ago. The boy went sprinting up it now, clearing the first floor as fast as he could. As he ran, he would drop another explosive onto the ground beneath him, this one scheduled to go off much sooner.

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