Chapter 4: Fuck Fedra

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I am here! To continue this story like I should've been doing.

Right, I apologize for that hiatus I took for a while. I wish I would've informed you guys, but I simply needed a break and some time to myself. I wasn't doing so good mentally, but now I'm back. So never fear! There's so much more in tow for this story. Y/N hasn't kicked enough ass, there hasn't been enough death, and we don't have our happy ending quite yet.

Also I wanna know, how many of you are still around from when I first started the first book? That was over a year ago, wild. I know not a lot of you got stuck with the horror of my god awful schedule, so take some of the veteran's words for it: it was bad.

I've been reading through it recently, and wow how I've grown as a writer. And I think you've all grown to, this adventure we've shared together so far has helped all of us, and I want to keep it going.

Now, without further ado, let's get this show on the road.

"Of course it does, Abby, but our people mean more." Owen intervened, as Manny held Abby back slightly. "Go make sure he's alright." Owen whispered, nodding his head over towards the unconscious Y/N. "We'll talk to her." He finished, and Mel gave a short huff. "You keep her away from my patient. If we lose the cure because of her..." Mel trailed off, turning to get over to Y/N. Owen looked back at Abby, seeing Manny already working on calming her down. With a grunt, Owen walked over to help Mel get Y/N back to the comfort of a bed. "Do you really think he's the key to a cure?" Owen asked as they heard shouting behind them. "I think we'll never know if Abby bashes his head in with a golf club."

Chapter 4

"How long have we been going?" Ellie asked, looking over to Joel who was looking around the woods. "Too damn long." He stated, giving a huff as he pat Red. Shimmer seemed jealous of the extra attention Y/N's horse was getting. "Well I didn't ask you to tag along Joel." Ellie stated, getting back onto her horse. Joel did the much the same, and slowly the horses trotted through the forest once again. "Last I checked, Tommy said we should be getting close." Joel continued, matching pace with the woman as they trotted along the path. Leaves fell around them, and the trees whistled with every gust of wind that flew through them. It would've been lovely, if they were here on better circumstances.

"Joel, do you think we're too late?" Ellie asked suddenly, looking over to the other with a bit of a worried face. "They came for the two of you for a reason. They wouldn't kill Y/N or Dina." Joel stated, but even he didn't seem sure about his answer. Ellie looked away for a moment, not wanting to even look near Joel if she didn't have too. "Y/N's probably giving them too much hell for them to notice Dina isn't immune." Joel reassured, and Ellie gave a sad sigh. For a moment she looked lost, but a looks of determination crossed her face. She refused to let anyone else die on her behalf.

Even as much as she hated to admit it, Y/N was capable. Ellie knew that, she had known him for a few years now. Through their entire journey, Y/N proved to be strong willed. Even as a teenager, he was willing to kill to survive, or well at least he learned how. "You know, that boy never lost his smile." Joel spoke, catching Ellie out of her thoughts. She looked ahead to see the forest opening into what looked to be a road, or it used to be one at least. "What?" Ellie asked in response, looking over to Joel. "Y/N. Even after you yelled at him and threw him out, he never let that bother him. He was even willing to save Dina back there." Joel continued, and Ellie gave a huff.

"Is this your way of trying to get me to forgive him? I don't care how good you think he is, you and him both took my life away from me." Ellie answered, weaving around a car that seemed destroyed. Joel didn't give an answer to that, staring straight ahead as the horses trotted along. "Who knows about your immunity?" Joel asked, a thought crossing his mind as he glanced over. Ellie seemed a little taken back by the question, but looked right back. "No one, you think I can't keep a secret?" Ellie answered, and Joel shook his head lightly. "That ain't what I meant. I'm saying that if they find out Dina ain't immune, who knows what lengths they'll go to find you."

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