Special Chapter: Aftermath

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Special Chapter: Aftermath
10 Years Later...

The vast field expanded out before her, a lovely sight. Wheat stalks grew up and whispered in the wind, these stalks she was only a head taller than. It was almost time to harvest again, which meant in just a few weeks there would be fresh bread.

The harvest also meant they would butcher a couple of the cows. She hoped that Spot wasn't one of the ones picked, she really liked Spot.

This world was one of immense beauty. Golden yellow color covered this large field. In the distance, though, was the dull reminder that they did not live in freedom. A wall built of wood and iron rose in the skyline. It traced around them, hiding in the forest and then coming back around the back of the farm.

She remembered watching it expand out as time went on, giving them plenty of room to settle amongst. Eventually, it would have to expand again, and it would keep doing so. But it worked, it kept the bad out. Mostly.

There was a low growl that came from underneath her. The young girl looked down at her legs to see the ears of a dog perked up. An old German Shepard made herself known with a low noise coming from her throat. The dog stood up and circled the girl's legs, looking out towards the fence.

A thin electrified fence surrounded the farm, and part of it was bent in. The girl's heart raced when she saw what seemed to be a body pushing against it. It didn't seem alive at first, with its body corroded and rotten with them. But its head was what looked so different, as the fungus has taken it over.

The dog barked at it, and it came to life at the noise. If crawled over the electrified fence, snapping and crackling. Usually, the fence ran with enough electricity to kill them, but her father was currently working on the generator.

It cut itself on the wire nonetheless and hit the ground on her side of the fence. Despite the blood spilling out of it, its head looked up with determination. It had no eyes, but it looked right at her and screeched loudly.

The dog positioned itself in front of the young girl and began backing up, forcing her to back up as well. This wasn't her first experience, but it was scary nonetheless. Her heart beat loudly as she stepped back, her brown hair getting in the way of her face for a moment.

The creature scrambled to its feet in a manic climb, throwing all of its body towards her target. The dog continued barking at the creature. Had it been a couple of years earlier, she would've attacked, but the dog had gotten old now. She kept backing the girl up until they had both left the field.

But the creature kept chasing with increased vigor, its speed catching up to both of them shortly. Just as it surfaced on the field, there was a whistle and the girl watched as an arrow was put into its head. She looked over to see a woman standing along the path. Her auburn hair was drawn into a ponytail and tucked underneath the jacket she was wearing.

She held a long bow in her hands and reached for another arrow. The young girl started running down the path toward her, and the dog followed behind her. The girl got to the woman's side as another arrow was fired and stuck into the clicker again.

The woman watched with bated breath, a tattooed arm gripping the bow just in case. But it didn't move. She huffed in relief and looked at the girl. "Jennifer," She spoke, crouching down so she was level with her. "Are you alright sweetheart?"

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