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Authors note at the end 💛
( ^∀^)

Yeonjun rested on the couch wearing one of Soobin's shirts and no pants, he was sprawled out and surrounded by junk food.

Soobin had been out of town speaking to people about a new business idea that was catching some attention.

Yeonjun of course was extremely happy for him but an entire week without his Bunny, he was starting to really miss him.

He was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing.

He groaned a little and then gasped quickly grabbing his phone.


"Ehhhh wrong!"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Gyu what do you want it's like 8 in the morning."

"Wrong again its actually 2 in the afternoon, come open the door I'm here."

"Ugh why?" He murmured getting up and stumbling to the door opening it for him.

Beomgyu gave him a look. "You look like shit."

"Good morning to you too." He turned leaving the door open and Beomgyu followed him inside.

"This place looks like shit."

"You are such a great friend you know that?" He asked as he belly flopped back onto the couch.

"Thanks." He grabbed a trash bag. "Look just because Binnie has been gone for a week and you haven't gotten fucked and shit doesn't mean you can become a slob."

Yeonjun raised his middle finger not looking at him.

"Awww I love you too. Now go get cleaned up because you smell horrible, you are getting cleaned up, we are cleaning up and going out for a night of fun."

"Don't wanna."

"Well you're gonna because you look sad and pathetic." He walked over to Yeonjun. "Go!"

"Ughhh fine!" He got up and went to get cleaned, he came back, helped clean up which took longer than expected before putting his shoes on.

"Ummmm what are you doing?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun gave him a look. "We are going out right?"

"Not with you dressed like a hobo." He grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his bedroom.

Yeonjun sat down on the bed as he watched Beomgyu rummage through his clothes. He picked out an outfit tossing it next to him.

"Change and meet me outside."

Yeonjun sighed and did so.

Beomgyu was texting when Yeonjun walked over.

"Gyu I don't wanna go." He murmured looking at himself. "I only dress like this for Binnie."

"Well Binnie isn't here, you can have fun without him you know. No need to be so clingy."

"Just because you and Taehyun broke up doesn't mean you have to be a jerk you know."

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