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I woke up to seeing this story has 1k reads and over 100 votes to show how grateful I am TRIPLE UPDATE TODAY!!!

I woke up to seeing this story has 1k reads and over 100 votes to show how grateful I am TRIPLE UPDATE TODAY!!!\(//∇//)\

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"Hi Yeonjun hyung."

Yeonjun looked shocked.

"Kai?!" He exclaimed.

Huening Kai dated Soobin for a few months and Soobin broke it off...and then went to hook up with Yeonjun the same day.

"You took that picture?" Yeonjun asked.

He looked around. "I don't see anyone else on the roof hyung." Yeonjun gave him a look. "Let's talk."

"About what?"

"I knew you liked Soobin while we were dating, I knew you liked him the first time I met you and you took him from me!"

Yeonjun was confused. "What do you mean? You and Binnie never dated."

Kai laughed. "Are you fucking stupid? We did! He just wanted to keep it a secret." He gave Yeonjun a picture of him and Soobin kissing and it made him pissed.

Of course Yeonjun knew they were dating he just denied it, everytime he saw Kai sit on his lap or when he caught them kissing in his car, he just pushed it out of his head because it broke his heart.

"The day he broke up with me, it was so sudden I was sure there was more to it...so after he dumped me I followed him." He looked up from the picture glaring at Yeonjun with teary eyes. "He went to your house. I saw you open the door."

Soobin told him that he broke up with Kai, he felt a little bad but his heart wasn't in the relationship.

"Kai...I-I didn't know-"

Kai scoffed. "Yeah right, you don't give a shit when it comes to Soobin that's why you are fucking him while he's with Yeji!" He yelled at him.

"If you know Soobin then you know he hates Yeji!" He yelled back.

Kai chuckled. "I can't believe how desperate you are to have him, I bet if he was married with a family you'd still try to fuck him!"

Yeonjun looked down.

I wouldn't do that, right?...I-I just made a mistake I'm not that kind of person.

"I'm totally right...you're fucking sick."

Yeonjun looked up at him with teary eyes. "I wouldn't do that! I-If Binnie gets married and has a family then I'd support I just want him to be happy."

"Yeah support him and his family by sucking his dick I bet."

Yeonjun had enough of this. "If you just brought me up here to belittle me save it, I'm not staying here and listening to this." He turned to walk away but something Kai said made him stop in his tracks.

"You're not the only one."

Yeonjun froze.

"You think you're his first? Soobin has dated many people, fucked many people and has cheated on many people. You think if Yeji is out of the picture and you two get together he'll stay loyal to you?"

Yeonjun bit his lip and then turned to look at him. "If you tell anyone about us or show anyone that picture you'll have to answer to Soobin...do you really want him to hate you?" He saw Kai tense up. "I didn't think so." He left and Yeonjun went to the closest bathroom entering a stall and throwing up.

That entire conversation made Yeonjun feel sick to his stomach.

Am I really a bad person?

Am I really disgusting.

What if Binnie really leaves me?

What if he never...loves me the way I love him?

What if...

Am I...

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The plot thickens 👀

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