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I did a double upload today so make sure you read 64 😉

I did a double upload today so make sure you read 64 😉

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Yeonjun and Soobin got ready for the party. Yeonjun decided to wear the short sweater dress and his thigh high velvet boots.

Soobin just wore all black unbuttoning the first three buttons of his long sleeves collared shirt that was tucked into his black ripped jeans and black leather shoes.

"Babe you almost ready?" Soobin called standing in front of his bedroom door.

Yeonjun opened the door. "How do I look?" He asked.

Soobin scanned him, his make up was very cute, he did a little dark eyeshadow and light pink lip gloss.

"Beautiful. You aren't drinking." He turned to leave.

Yeonjun pouted. "Why not?" He asked following him.

"Drunk you gets too horny I can't watch you and all the guys there." He opened the door letting Yeonjun out first who wasn't happy about not being allowed to drink. He quickly texted someone and the followed behind Yeonjun closing the door.

They drove to the address Haechan sent Yeonjun and there were a lot of people.

"Looks like Channie did a lot of mingling huh?" He murmured.

They both got out and walked over to the house. They went inside looking round, they recognized a lot of people from school but didn't really talk to them.

"Hyung!" Yeonjun looked around and smiled when he saw Haechan walking over. "I'm glad you two made it!" He looked up at Soobin. "You must be his boyfriend right? I'm donghyuck but I prefer Haechan."

"How old are you?" Soobin asked.

"I'm 18, a year younger than Yeonjun hyung. What about you?"


"Ohhhh you have to call me hyuuuuung~" he sang.

Soobin chuckled and nodded. "Thanks for inviting us Haechan hyung."

"Of course the drinks are in the kitchen and their is a snack table over there. Help yourselves to whatever you like."

"Thanks Haechan!" They walked to the snack bar and Yeonjun picked up a strawberry. "Yum." He ate it and Soobin ate some of the small sandwiches that were there. "Oooo punch." He got a cup for him and Soobin. "Here Binnie, if I can't drink neither can you."

Soobin nodded and started drinking it. He made a face and then looked at the punch bowl before groaning.

"Hyung." Yeonjun looked at him getting another cup of punch since he chugged his first one. He was extremely thirsty. "Wait I think someone spiked it." He took the drink from him. "No more. I'll get you some water."

Yeonjun sighed and nodded watching Soobin go to the kitchen. He ate some more snacks and then heard someone walk over next to him.


Yeonjun looked up and was standing next to someone who was extremely tall and it wasn't Soobin.

"Uh hi."

"I just kinda need to..." Yeonjun noticed he was trying to reach for the sandwiches that he was blocking.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He moved out the way and the guy laughed.

"No it's okay I just didn't want to reach in front of you." He took a few. "It's for my girlfriend she's being a little bitchy tonight."

Yeonjun giggled. "Well good luck with that."

He smiled at him. "I'm Johnny."

Yeonjun bowed. "Yeonjun, no offense but you look a little old to be at a high school party."

This made him throw his head back laughing. "This is my brother's party, you know Haechan?"

Yeonjun nodded. "Yeah he's so cute." Johnny nodded staring at him while gently biting his lip. Yeonjun blushed a little under his gave and looked down.

"I'm back."

Yeonjun and Johnny looked at Soobin walking over with a bottle of water for him.

Johnny looked at him and his eyes blew up. "Soobin this is Johnny hyung, Haechannie's older brother."

Soobin bowed. "Nice to meet you, I hope Yeonjun hyung hasn't caused you any trouble."

"I'm not a troublemaker."

Johnny gave a nervous smile. "Hey so I really should be getting back to my girlfriend before she comes looking for-"

"Johnny oppa~what is taking so long?" Soobin and Yeonjun froze like a deer in headlights. "Oh. My. God."

"Shit!" They said in unison.

It was Yeji.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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