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Soobin looked up at Yeji

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Soobin looked up at Yeji.

"I-I didn't-" She smacked him before storming out of the class. "Wait Yeji!" He ran after her and the class started to whisper. She was walking quickly down the hall texting very angrily. "YAH YEJI!"

He grabbed her shoulder to turn her around and then snatched her phone out her hand.

"Give it back!" She yelled and he looked at it.

"Why are you texting people about this? This is no one else's business!" He put her phone in his pocket.

"You cheated on me!" She yelled. "I knew there was something going on with you and that freak!"

"You can't tell anyone."

She smirked. "It's. Too. Late! Everyone in our math class knows now I bet they are telling all of their friends right now. Both you and Yeonjun can GO TO HELL!" She turned around walking away from him quickly but not before quickly grabbing her phone out of his pocket.

"Fuck." He muttered.

Yeonjun was sitting in class when he heard everyone's phones start dinging. He looked around confused and then his phone vibrated.

Daddy Binnie❤️:
Meet me in the parking lot
after school.

Yeonjun felt happy maybe he did like him after all and there was a chance.

When the last bell rang Yeonjun hurriedly went outside eager to see Soobin but was greeted with a very anxious look from him.

"Binnie?" He asked and Soobin walked over to him. "You are sweating are you okay?"

"Yeji knows." He said and Yeonjun didn't understand.

"Yeji knows wha-"

"I accidentally gave Yeji the letter you gave me and she read it. She knows I cheated on her with you."

Yeonjun felt his stomach jump to his throat, he thought he was going to throw up. How could something that felt right at the moment go so wrong?

"Hey don't freak out."


"Junnie wait!" He ran over to him. "Come over tonight and we can talk?"

Yeonjun stared up at him and he looked desperate. "Okay Soobin." He walked away and headed home leaving Soobin standing in the school parking lot.

He got home and immediately called Hyunjin.

"I already know." He said over the phone. "What the hell happened hyung?"

"Soobin accidentally gave Yeji my note Jinnie I don't know what to do. Everyone probably knows by now." He was on the brink of tears.

"Okok calm down I'm sure Soobin can use his power of being popular to fix this. Have you two talked?" He asked.

Yeonjun shook his head. "N-No I'm going over there tonight so we can talk."

"It'll be okay. You'll talk to Soobin, Soobin will talk to Yeji and then the entire school so everything will be fiiiine." He couldn't even convince himself of that.

"...ok. Thank you Jinnie."

"No problem bye hyung."

They hung up and Yeonjun sat on his bed thinking for awhile.

"I should have never wrote it down I should've just told him." He groaned into his hands. "My life is so over."

What a great valentines day.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Imma do a double update today just because 😉

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