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Yeonjun held onto Soobin's knees as the younger pushed his head down onto his member

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Yeonjun held onto Soobin's knees as the younger pushed his head down onto his member. He gagged feeling it hit the back of his throat, his nails digging into his thigh as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Fuck just like that baby." He threw his head back letting out a groan from the back of his throat still holding Yeonjun's head bobbing it up and down. "Shit so fucking good."

Yeonjun scratched losing air but Soobin couldn't care less, he was going to take his anger out on him and the older could understand why. He felt that he had betrayed him by kissing Hyunjin back, he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to pull away from him.

Soobin pulled him off of his throbbing dick to let him catch his breath. Yeonjun coughed drool running down his chin as he looked up at Soobin from his spot on the floor in between his legs.

"B-Binnie p-please st-stop. I-I can't uughh." Soobin pushed his head back down and Yeonjun looked up at him as he let out groans and curses.

"Shit I'm close." He stood up and started thrusting into his mouth, hard and rapid, Yeonjun gagged and moaned around him. "Fuck I'm gonna cum!" The look on Yeonjun's face is what sent him over the edge and he came into his mouth. He started to slow down riding out his orgasm and pulled out letting go of Yeonjun.

The older caught his breath tears running down his face as he looked up at Soobin who was also catching his breath.

"Look at you, such a slut aren't you Yeonjun?" He tilted his head scanning his body. "You came again without my permission?" He asked and Yeonjun shyly looked away from him. "Tsk looks like I have to punish you again." He forcefully grabbed his arm causing Yeonjun to whimper as he tossed Yeonjun onto the bed.

He watched as Soobin went to his dresser digging in one of his drawers taking out something shiny.

"B-Binnie, wha-what is that?" His voice was soft and hoarse from his rough face fuck.

Soobin turned around showing it to him. "This?" Yeonjun's eyes widened. "This is your second punishment, I think you'll like it very much Yeonjun."

Yeonjun started to scoot back on the bed shaking his head. "N-No B-Binnie don't want-"

"You don't exactly get a say in this Yeonjun." He climbed onto the bed. "Lay down. Hands above your head." Yeonjun did as he demanded and laid down with his hands over his head. Soobin took the handcuffs putting them on Yeonjun's wrists wrapping them around the headboard bars so he couldn't bring his wrists down.

He took out a blindfold covering Yeonjun's eyes.



He took the last item and Soobin's favorite.

The penis plug.

He grabbed Yeonjun's cock and slowly inserted it inside his dick. He whimpered feeling it slowly go inside of him, once it was all in Yeonjun didn't hear anything.

"B-Binnie?" He could still feel that he was on the bed after awhile he heard Soobin get off and walk opening his dresser again. "Binnie...what are you-"


He didn't say anything as he heard a vibrating noise and then felt Soobin get back on the bed. He gasped feeling a small vibrator getting pushed inside of him, Soobin turned it up to the highest setting.

"Haah mmm B-Binnie nngh~" he moved his head side to side, his cock hard standing upright as he trembled slightly.

"No more Binnie you are going to call me oppa for the rest of this okay baby?"

Yeonjun nodded. "Nngh y-yes o-oppa~" Soobin watched him squirm with the vibrator inside of him. "Mmmm~oppa p-please w-want your nngh cock."

"You do?" Yeonjun nodded quickly biting his lip letting out a moan from the back of his throat.

"O-Oppa plea-AAAHHHH!" Yeonjun choked on his moans feeling Soobin suddenly thrust into him with the vibrator still inside.

"You've been such a bad boy baby, oppa didn't wanna punish you." He grunted out. Yeonjun was a screaming mess and the penis plug wasn't making it any better. He was painfully hard and needed to release.

The overstimulation was too much, his tears soaked through the blindfold. "O-*hic*-ppa *hic* cum ngh wan' c-cum *hic* o-out, t-take it *hic* out oppa~"

"You wanted Hyunjin so bad didn't you Yeonjun?"

He shook his head. "N-No!" He cried.

"Did you like his lips more than mine?" Soobin hit a spot that made Yeonjun throw his head back for millionth time arching his back. "I bet the thought of two dicks in you is a real turn on isn't it? You would like for Hyunjin to fuck you wouldn't you?!" His thrusts were rough, fast and hard.

Yeonjun was sobbing not only because of all the overstimulation but about how much he upset Soobin. They both could've done better.

Soobin leaned down sucking hickies onto his neck picking up the pace as he slammed into the older. Within a few more thrusts he came into his tight hole letting out a low groan. He slowly rode out his orgasm and then looked at Yeonjun's trembling body as he whimpered, whined and squirmed around.

"Did Yeonjun learn his lesson?" He nodded still mumbling incoherent things followed by whines. "You wanna cum?"

"Y-Yes oh God yes!"

Soobin grabbed a whole of the penis plug and without warning pulled it out, Yeonjun let out the loudest moan he had ever heard come from the olders lips.

He was still really hard so Soobin jerked him off a few times, he was covered in his own cum and started convulsing. Soobin took the vibrator out causing Yeonjun to wince and whimper.

He grabbed the key for the handcuffs, uncuffing his hands seeing that it left bruises from Yeonjun pulling at them.

Lastly he took the blind fold off looking at Yeonjun's red puffy eyes.

He pulled him into a hug. "I love you Yeonjun hyung."

The older curled up in his arms. "I love you too."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Soooo how are we feeling after the extremely rough make up sex 🍵👀

Also thanks again for 10k reads I hope y'all liked your many chapter uploads today 😂💛

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