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Kai fiddled with his fingers as he stood nervously in front of Soobin

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Kai fiddled with his fingers as he stood nervously in front of Soobin. He's thought about this day a lot but he never knew what he was going to say.

Soobin was always good at reading people he was close with and the fact that he used to date Kai made it all easier for her him to realize that he was clearly hurt about something.



"Hyuka what's wrong? You can always talk to me, don't you know that?" He asked with a sweet carrying voice.

Kai slowly nodded and rubbed his arm. "M-Me and my boyfriend...broke up."

He heard Soobin's small gasp and then felt arms wrap around him. "I'm so sorry Kai I had no idea." He rubbed his back and Kai slowly hugged him as well melting into his touch.

He knew that checking out didn't take this long which meant that Beomgyu was stalling Yeonjun, so he needed to say what he needed to say now.

"Soobinnie hyung." He pulled away from him. "Why did you break up with me?" The question made Soobin's breath hitch. "Why wasn't I good enough for you? I-I thought we were happy I thought I made you happy, didn't I? Y-You never looked at me the way you look at Yeonjun hyung, did you just use me or-"

"Nonono Hyuka I would never use you. I took our relationship very seriously it's just...Yeonjun...he was different. I always had feelings for Yeonjun but I was a fuckboy, I should've known I couldn't be in a real relationship."

"Then why did you agree to go out with me?"

Soobin sighed. "You were so cute I did like you Kai I really did it's just I always wanted Yeonjun more than anything. I broke up with you because I knew that after awhile I wouldn't stay faithful to you and you didn't deserve to get cheated on." He touched Kai's head petting his hair. "You were always good to me you were an amazing boyfriend Hyuka. I'm sorry that I hurt you."

Closure. This is what Kai needed but...it's not what he wanted from him.

"I still have feelings for you." He muttered and Soobin's eyes widened as he removed his hand. "I still love you Soobin."

Soobin shook his head. "Y-You can't possibly-"

"Well I do!" He snapped. "This is all your fault hyung, you're the reason Renjunnie hyung left me. If y-you didn't make me f-fall in love with you I would still have him!" He cried gently and Soobin's heart broke, he stepped closer to him pulling the younger into a hug.

"I'm sorry Kai." He whispered rubbing his back as he cried into his shoulder. "I really am." They stayed like that until Kai's crying died down, Soobin looked at him wiping the tears away with his thumb.

Kai stared at him feeling his hand touch his face and then all of a sudden Kai's lips were on Soobin's. The older was taken back but quickly pushed Kai away.

"What are you-"

"What the fuck!" They both turned seeing a very angry Yeonjun standing behind them, Beomgyu ran up next to him panting.

"He's so fast." He said in between breaths and held his knees as he caught his breath.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And I oop 🍵👀

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