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Obviously they weren't going to tell their parents they were back together during their wedding, they were going to wait a little after they got back from their honeymoon

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Obviously they weren't going to tell their parents they were back together during their wedding, they were going to wait a little after they got back from their honeymoon.

So while they were gone Yeonjun spent all his time staying at Soobin's house making up for lost times. He straddled Soobin on the couch while they kissed, his hands snaking up and down the olders body sending shivers down his spine.

Yeonjun's phone started to ring and he pulled away groaning. "Ignore it." Soobin murmured as he sat up to plant kisses on his boyfriend's shoulder and neck.

"I-I can't it could be important." He answered but Soobin was still kissing and sucking his neck and shoulder. "H-Hello?...what?" Yeonjun chopped Soobin's head.

"Ow." He whispered rubbing and then looking at Yeonjun's worried face.

"Who's asking?...no I'm not with Soobin, after the wedding I went back to my dorms...yeah whatever bye." He hung up.

"Who was that?" Soobin asked.

"One of my mom's friends, she had them call me to make sure that-"

Soobin's phone started ringing. "I'm sorry one second." He answered. "Hello?...uhh hi Mr. Shin is there a problem...I would really prefer to stay at my own house...I'm sorry but I really don't care what he wants...no I'm not with Hyung...wha-why?...fine but I'm not home I'm out with some friends from school the key is under the doormat if you plan on staying...yes good bye sir." He hung up and then started panicking.

"We gotta go Ryujin's dad is coming." Yeonjun stood up grabbing his things and Soobin grabbed his car keys.

They opened the door and a guy was standing there staring at them along with Ryujin. She shrugged looking defeated and Soobin sighed getting caught.

"Inside. Now."

They were all sitting awkwardly in the living room and Mr. Shin was staring at Yeonjun the entire time.

"Are you happy now?" Yeonjun looked up at him. "Breaking up this happy couple for your own selfish needs."

"Dad-" Ryujin started but was cut off when he simply raised his hand to her.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" His voice was deep and intimidating.

Yeonjun got on the floor in front of him and bowed. "I'm sorry sir, I-I didn't mean to hurt or offend anyone here. But...I'm in love with him it's always been Soobin and he loves me sir so i-it's not fair." He looked up at him. "We were a happy couple, why did we have to break up for someone else's own selfish needs?"

Everyone was staring Mr. Shin because Yeonjun absolutely had a point. They were broken up because of what their parents wanted, how could they so easily see him as the bad guy?

He turned his attention to his daughter and Soobin. "I thought you two liked each other."

"As friends." They both said in unison.

Ryujin sighed. "Dad I don't want to be with Soobin, I don't want to be with any guy you try to put me with because I like girls and only girls." This completely shocked her father. "I was going to tell you but after Soobin told me about what happened with him and Yeonjun I was scared."

Silence fell over the room and Mr. Shin sighed rubbing his face with his hands. "You kids these days." He murmured. "Fine! But you two need to properly sit down with you parents and talk." He stood up. "I'll leave you two be, Ryujiin we have some talking to do."

She nodded and he held his hand out with a gentle smile, she hesitated but took it smiling back. She waved to them both as they left leaving the couple alone.

Soobin let out a relieved sigh and Yeonjun stood up and sat next to him. "That was terrifying."

Yeonjun nodded.

"I don't want to talk to my father about this. Can we just...wait a little? I want to catch up with you hyung?"

Yeonjun smiled and crawled into his lap straddling him. "I'd love that." He said before connecting their lips.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I hope the talk with their parents goes well

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