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Giving y'all a double upload today

"We'll only be a few hours, we're just doing dinner and a movie okay?" Ms. Choi said fixing her hair.


Knock knock

"That's him!" She clapped and ran to open the door. Mr. Choi was holding a bouquet of flowers, "hi."

"Hi." He held the flowers out to her. "For you."

She blushed taking them. "Thank you." She looked over seeing Soobin. "Great, Yeonjun can have some company. Come in."

Soobin bowed to her and smirked at Yeonjun who was standing there nervously messing with the hem of his shirt.

"I'll bring her back safe and sound." Mr. Choi said waving at the two.

"Have fun eomma." Yeonjun waved and then the door closed.

They stood in silence for awhile before Soobin spoke. "What do you wanna do?" He asked.

Yeonjun bit his lip. Why does he have to be here?

"We could...watch a movie?" He suggested.

Soobin chuckled. "You know what happened last time we tried to watch a movie?" He teased and Yeonjun blushed even more. "Let's go out."


"There's an arcade nearby and a tteokbokki place next to it."

Yeonjun thought about it. "Okay."

They left and went to the arcade. They started playing air hockey and Soobin beat Yeonjun's ass. The older pouted with a big huff. "Let's play something else Binnie."

Soobin chuckled. He's so cute, he thought to himself. He walked over to a racing game. "Let's do this."

They sat down at the steering wheels and the race started. They laughed as they played, they would push each other occasionally during the race but in the end Yeonjun won.

"Yes!" He jumped up dancing around and Soobin watched him.

Has Yeonjun always been this cute? He asked himself.

"Looks like you're having fun, ready to eat." Yeonjun nodded and they went next door to the tteokbokki place.

They sats down and started eating. "Hyung." Yeonjun looked at him. "Why are you wearing a turtleneck?" He asked.

Yeonjun shot him a look and Soobin just chuckles knowing exactly why he was wearing a turtleneck. "So...you and Yeji made up?" He asked.

Soobin shrugged. "Yeah after I left your house I went to Yeji's and after she yelled at me we made out and now we're good." He explained so nonchalantly.

Yeonjun slowly nodded. Of course that's how they made up, he thought.

They walked home after, it was another awkward silence again. Yeonjun couldn't get the thought of the two kissing, it made him angry.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin yelled yanking his arm back.

"Huh?" He looked and a car flew by, he didn't realize they were at a crosswalk. "Shit."

I could've died, he thought.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. "I can't have you walking out into the street mindlessly."

Yeonjun bit his lip. "Nothing I just spaced out." He walked quickly across the street and Soobin followed behind him.

They got back to Yeonjun's house and suddenly he was pushed against the door. He looked up at Soobin who was staring down at him, "B-Binnie what are you nngh!" He gasped feeling his hand touch him through his shorts he was wearing. "Wha-what are you doing? I-I said we w-wouldn't d-do this."

"You know as well as I do that you want this." Yeonjun felt his legs leave the ground and Soobin carried him to his bedroom laying him on the bed.

Soobin slid his hand against his soft milky thighs getting closer to the bulge in his pants. Yeonjun grabbed his wrist biting his lip. "We can't." He breathed.

"Why not?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun sat up gently pushing him away. "You have a girlfriend, I don't want to be a side piece for you Binnie." That's what he wanted to say to him but what came out of his mouth was... "We said we wouldn't a-and what about Yeji." Is what he said.

Soobin scoffed. "Yeji is just entertainment at this point, I don't want her like how I want you." He leaned forward slipping his hand under Yeonjun's black and white turtleneck. He left kisses on his jawline and Yeonjun felt himself giving in even though he didn't want to...well of course he wanted to but he would have liked to not want him.

Yeonjun rested his hand on Soobin's chest.

Push him away you idiot, he thought to himself.

Soobin sat back taking his shirt off, Yeonjun's cheeks flushed seeing his very toned body and those oh so nice abs.

So much for restrait, Yeonjun thought to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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