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Yeonjun hadn't seen Soobin in two weeks, their parents very much still saw each other but stopped having dinner at each other's houses

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Yeonjun hadn't seen Soobin in two weeks, their parents very much still saw each other but stopped having dinner at each other's houses. They started going out alone more and Yeonjun and Soobin supported that for them.

Yeonjun spent a lot of time with Hyunjin and Beomgyu when they weren't at school. Speaking of school nothing was more awkward than sitting next to the guy you confessed your love to. They would steal glances from each other but would never exchange words.

Beomgyu for one hated how awkward they were because it made the air heavy.

They were riding home with Hyunjin when Beomgyu decided to speak up. "You two really haven't talked for two weeks?" He asked.

Yeonjun just quietly shook his head.

Beomgyu sucked his teeth. "Didn't he confess to you why aren't you both talking?"

"It's not that simple Beomie...I'm just scared. What if I get into a relationship with him and he cheats on ms? I don't want to be a toy anymore."

Hyunjin nodded understandingly and held Yeonjun's hand as he drove. "Hey no one is rushing you okay? This is a serious decision, I don't want anymore visits from you in tears anymore."

Yeonjun smiled at him. "Thanks Jinnie."

He dropped him off and Yeonjun waved to them before walking to his door and was greeted by his mom.

"Yeonnie!" She hugged him and Yeonjun chuckled. "How are you doing?" She asked looking at his face. "It doesn't look like you cried today."

"I'm okay eomma."

She smiled. "Good. Why don't you and I hang out today? We can go out and get our nails done, I've always wanted to dye my hair."

Yeonjun nodded. "I'd love that, I'll go get changed."

He changed into his baby boy clothes and they went to get their hair done first.

"What color should I do?" She asked as they waited to be helped. "Maybe this is a bad idea, I'm not having a crisis if I dye my hair right."

"Eomma you are only 36 it's fine, I think you should do purple. That would look nice and it's your favorite color."

She nodded in agreement. "What color are you doing?"

"Mmm dark blue."

They called up and they both talked and laugh as they got their hair dyed. Once they were done they looked in the mirror and she gasped.

"Wooow...I LOVE IT!" She hugged Yeonjun and he laughed at how silly she was.

After that they got their nails and toes done, Shinhye did purple to match her hair and Yeonjun chose a soft baby pink.

They did lunch afterwards going to a tteokbokki place. "You haven't talk about your crush lately what happened with him?" She asked.

Yeonjun looked down. "It's a long story."

She gave him a gentle smile. "Luckily we have time."

He told her everything, he left names out like he always did but it felt good to talk about everything with her. Shinhye was very understanding, she rubbed Yeonjun's hand as he found himself crying remembering everything that happened.

"Eomma I-I don't know what to do. I wanna talk to him so bad but I don't know what I want anymore."

"Aww honey, I think it's good that you are thinking about everything. You two seem to have gone through a lot together, maybe you should-" She looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that Soobin?"

"What?" Yeonjun turned around and sure enough he had walked in and was ordering food. "Oh God." He murmured.

"Hey Soobin!" Shinhye called waving her hand so Soobin could see her.

"Eomma what are you doing?!" He whispered yelled at her.

She looked confused. "What? He's your friend and my boyfriend's son I won't pretend he's not there." She looked up and Soobin walked over bowing to her.

"Hi Ms. Choi, your hair looks very nice."

She blushed. "Aww thank you. Come sit down I wanna talk to you."

Yeonjun groaned and facepalmed himself.

Someone shoot me.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I switch between Beommie and Beomie so...

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