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I double uploaded today so make sure you read chapter 51 💛

Soobin waited for Yeonjun to meet him outside so he could drive him home, he saw Yeonjun as happy as could be but with Hyunjin

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Soobin waited for Yeonjun to meet him outside so he could drive him home, he saw Yeonjun as happy as could be but with Hyunjin.

Why is he always with him? Soobin thought.

Yeonjun looked at Soobin and sighed before saying something to Hyunjin who clearly looked against whatever he just said. After more talking Hyunjin rolled his eyes and followed Yeonjun over to Soobin's car.

Soobin smiled at him. "I thought you'd be mad at me."

Yeonjun crossed his arms over his chest. "I am mad at you and I want you to apologize to Jinnie for acting the way you did."

Soobin gave him a look and his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not apologizing to him you didn't see how he looked at me he knows what he's doing!"

"Soobin stop!" He yelled. "What is going on with you?"

"Hyunjin is gay for you!" He yelled, his jealousy starting to take over. "Beomgyu said it and you are too naive and stupid to see something so fucking obvious!"

Yeonjun stared at him not saying anything.

Wow...stupid huh? He thought to himself.

"What? Do you like him more than me? Are you going to tell me you two are fucking or-"


Soobin held his stinging cheek looking at his boyfriends teary eyes and his red ears from how angry he was. Soobin realized what he said and how stupid he was to even accuse Yeonjun how cheating when he knew he wasn't. He was just angry.

"Fuck you Soobin. I'm naive and stupid to care about my friends?! Hyunjin has been there for me way more than you have Soobin when all you did was break my heart! And how dare you accuse me of cheating when you're the fuckboy you asshole! I give you my virginity and my love and this is what you do?!" He was sobbing at this point and Soobin felt like absolute scum.

His cheek hurt and he was sure it was bruised but how could something that doesn't touch you hurt so much physically? Seeing Yeonjun cry was equivalent to him getting beaten.

"Yeonjun-" before he could say anything Yeonjun just shook his head and walked away. "Hyung wait!" He called but he kept walking, Hyunjin ran to catch up to him putting his hand on the lower part of his back.

Soobin groaned rubbing his head. "Some boyfriend I am." He muttered.

Hyunjin drove Yeonjun home and he cried the entire way there. "Hyung we're here."

He sniffed wiping his eyes and looked at Hyunjin. "I don't want to be here...can I spend the night at your house?"

Hyunjin nodded. "Go run inside and grab some things unless you want to wear my clothes?"
He joked, Yeonjun smiled with puffy eyes and got his what he liked to call "night over" bag.

He got his things and before he left he saw all the miss calls and texts from Soobin which he gladly ignored then turned his phone off.

He got back into Hyunjin's car. "Ready?" He asked.

Yeonjun nodded.

Maybe it was immature to do this and communication is key in a relationship, but right now Yeonjun didn't want to see him and they really needed the space.

They got to his house and Yeonjun changed into his pajamas consisting of a plain white t shirt and shorts. They sat on his couch snuggled up under a blanket as they watched a movie. It was quiet and after awhile Hyunjin spoke after working up the courage to for so long.

"Junnie I have to tell you something."

Yeonjun sat up and looked at him with concerned eyes. "What's wrong?" Hyunjin also sat up and paused the movie.

"I think...I think I like guys."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And I oop 🍵👀

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