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Your second update for your lovely eyes

Yeonjun didn't go to school for the next 3 days, he was so sick to his stomach all the time and he couldn't stop thinking about Kai

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Yeonjun didn't go to school for the next 3 days, he was so sick to his stomach all the time and he couldn't stop thinking about Kai. Every time Soobin called he just let the phone ring, he couldn't talk to him.

He never knew what to say.

He was in his rook staring at the wall.

His valentines day assignment.

He sighed and reluctantly sat up and got out a blank sheet of paper. He never knew what he wanted from Soobin, he did but didn't. He knew he wanted his company, his friendship, his attention, but did he really want a relationship that would be doomed from the start?

Knock knock


Shinhye opened the door and she looked at her son. "Hey how are you-Yeonnie what's wrong you're crying?" She immediately went to his side and he stood up hugging her. "Aww Yeonjun." He let everything, he was in so much pain lately and he had been bottling it up but Soobin and Kai were taking a toll on him.

They sat down on his bed and she held his hand. "Yeonnie what's going on?" She asked. "Are you being bullied again?"

He shook his head.

Not yet at least.

"Eomma...I think I'm in love with my crush." She nodded. "And he...has a girlfriend."

"You're hooking up with a guy who's in a relationship?" She asked snd he sadly nodded. "Yeonjun-"

"I know what I'm doing is wrong eomma. I know that, b-but his ex boyfriend came up to me and..."

Yeonjun told his mother everything of course leaving names out of it but he really poured his heart out to her. He was confused, he wanted Soobin and maybe he did want a relationship with him. But everyone knows Soobin is a fuckboy and relationships aren't his thing.

Did he even value Yeonjun or was he just a quickie Soobin could get?

He didn't know what to think of him.

I'm not the first one.

Soobin has done this many times. He probably didn't really want him like that anyways, maybe he shouldn't listened to Beomgyu.

When Yeonjun was done his mother said one sentence to him that changed everything.

"If you are going through this much heart ache for someone who doesn't even know about your feelings, don't you think it's time to see where you two stand?" She asked.

Yeonjun thought about it, he's known Soobin for years, they've been best friends for awhile now...maybe it was time to tell him the truth.

No matter the consequences he'd face.

No matter how much people will be against it.

Even if Soobin rejects him.

He was going to do it.

"Thanks eomma." He muttered with a broken voice, she stood up and kissed the top of his head leaving.

He went back to his desk and started writing.

What am I to you?

We've known each other for years and I'm starting to think of a lot of titles we could have. Friends, associates, best friends, fuck buddies, classmates, and I know this is supposed to be something nice written for you but I decided to make this a little different.
I used to hate you more than anything, I hated you for being such casanova, for being a fuckboy, for being arrogant sometimes, and narcissistic, for always being a flirt. It was so annoying, but I started to see good in you, like the time I fell and you carried me home to fix my knee. You were caring and sweet and I love spending time with you.

But what am I to you?

You have a girlfriend but you always come over to my house and hook up with me and Kai told me you've always done this. Why not just break up with her if you want to do these things with me? Why not just tell her how you really feel? Why keep using her?

At first I didn't mind being used by you but, how much longer is this going to keep going? The more I see you, the more we spend time together it's starting to hurt because I know you don't like me the way I like you.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really like you Choi Soobin more than a friend and I don't want to keep being a dirty secret anymore.

I don't want you to be my dirty secret.

I want to be more than a fuck buddy and a friend.

I won't make you give me an answer immediately after you read this. If you feel the same way come meet me at the park at 7 tonight after school, I'll wait an hour for you but if you don't come I'll know my answer.

Happy valentines day.

Choi Yeonjun

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

👀 y'all I'm getting excited over my own story like I don't know what's going on 😂

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