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5 Years Later

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5 Years Later...

Yes, it's now 5 years later into Yeonjun and Soobin's life. They were now a married couple, Soobin proposed to Yeonjun during his graduation in the most extra way possible.

Yeonjun was valedictorian at his college graduation and at the end of his speech Soobin came up on stage said the most beautiful speech before getting down on one knee. The colosseum went crazy and Yeonjun cried his eyes out before saying yes.

It was a moment he'd never forget. They got married a few months after Yeonjun graduated and it was a busy year for Soobin since he was in the middle of launching his own company. Choi Enterprise which had already made millions in sales around the time he graduated.

That's right, Choi Soobin graduated a millionaire.

They bought a house, Yeonjun was Soobin's co-founder of the company and also CEO. They pretty much created it together.

They were currently having a day off enjoying some time at home.

"Daddy, Appa I made you sandwiches!" Their 6 year old son Sungho called as he walked over to them with two sandwiches filled with peanut butter.

They adopted Sungho a little over a year after their wedding, it took a lot of late night conversations before they came to the conclusion that they wanted kids.

Yeonjun chuckled at the sandwiches and Soobin clapped.

"Sandwiches my favorite!" Soobin cheered and they both took a bite and hummed. "Delicious we love it."

Sungho smiled brightly at them. "Oh but I see something even better." Yeonjun spoke with a sly smirk.

"What daddy?" He asked.

"You!" He jumped up and started chasing his giggly son around.

"Appa help help!" He called still laughing loudly, Soobin got out and blocked Yeonjun.

"Daddy can't eat Sungho." Yeonjun pouted while Sungho hid behind Soobin. "Because I'm gonna eat him!" He turned around and grabbed him.

"Aahhhh!" Sungho yelled before erupting with laughter as Soobin gently nibbled on his son.

"Leave some for me Binnie." He started tickling his feet causing Sungho to laugh louder.

They heard the door bell ring and they all came to a stop looking towards the door.

"Who is that?"

"I'll get it!" Sungho jumped up running for the door.

"Wait Sungho you don't know who-" he already opened it and looked up at the two people at the door.

"Appa there's old people here." Soobin jogged over.

"Sungho don't open the door for-" he froze seeing who it was.

"Binnie who is it?" He asked walking over and then froze as well.

"Hi sons." Jinhyuk spoke nervously.

After all the years that went by this was Soobin's and Yeonjun's first time seeing their parents after so many years.

They didn't know what to say or what to think, but Soobin started to feel angry.

The man that broke him up from the guy he was in love with...

The man who tried to send him away...

The man who didn't go to both of his graduations...

The man who didn't show up to his wedding...

Was standing right in front of him and he wanted nothing more but to punch him in the face.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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