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Beomgyu held Yeonjun as he cried loudly. "Hyung talk to him."


It had been day 3 of their break up? Neither one of them knew what they were anymore, Soobin didn't call and Yeonjun didn't go to school. He just told his mom he didn't feel well which wasn't a lie.

It tore him up. He rubbed his back soothingly as the male cried and then got an idea. "Hyung I'm gonna make you something to eat." He handed him a pillow. "Snuggle this." Yeonjun took it and started cuddling with the pillow.

Beomgyu went to the kitchen and called Soobin. He didn't answer but Beomgyu was persistent and called him 5 more times until he finally answered.

"What the hell do you want?!" He snapped.

"You fucked up my best friend asshole I'm tired of seeing him cry so quit being a dick."

"Oh which one? Are we talking about the guy who kissed his friend when he clearly had a boyfriend?"

"Yeonjun knows what he did was wrong so quit punishing him for it. He loves you."

"He likes Hyunjin."

"You idiot! He talked to Hyunjin like 3 days ago. He told him he didn't like him the way that Hyunjin did and that he was in love with you!"

"...no he didn't."

"Yes he did! He told me at lunch and he was torn up about it but maybe he should've went with Hyunjin instead of staying with an insecure asshole like you!" Then he hung up putting his phone on the counter.

He walked back to Yeonjun's room where he had fallen asleep, finally. Beomgyu had been sleeping over at his place and he would wake up in the middle of the night heart breaking all over again for Soobin.

He sighed looking at him and then went in the living room to watch tv. He got a call from Taehyun which he quickly answered.

"Hi Tae~"

"Hey babe, how's Yeonjun doing?"

"Not so good. Soobin's such a dick."

"Yeah I think he's over reacting a little, I mean you wouldn't believe some of the things you do to other guys when you're drunk."

"Huh? Tae what do I do?"

There was a long pause. "I called to tell you Soobin randomly ran out of class today so bye!"

"Tae!" He heard a click and growled. "Did this guy just hang up on me?!"

He was about to call him back when he heard a few knocks at the door. He sighed and got up answering it and then rolled his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here Choi?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest staring up at him.

"Where's hyung?"

"Asleep no thanks to you so leave before you wake him up." He started closing the door but Soobin stopped it with his hand.

"I want to fix this." His eyes were pleading. "Please."

Beomgyu sighed and let him in.

"Binnie?" Yeonjun walked put of his room. "Beomgyu I could've swore I heard-" He froze when he saw Soobin standing there staring back at him.

"Yeonjun...I wanted to say-" He ran over jumping into his arms causing Soobin to stumble back a little. "Junnie-"

"I've missed you so much Binnie!" He cried. "Please take me back don't leave me please!"

Soobin held him tight in his arms. "I never broke up with you. I was just angry and wanted some time to myself. I shouldn't have gotten so jealous about Hyunjin I know you wouldn't leave me for him. Please stop crying." He pulled away wiping the olders tears.

"I love you Binnie only you." He leaned into his touch closing his eyes.

"I love you too." He tilted his head up pressing their lips together gently. "I'm sorry for hurting you hyung."

Yeonjun just shook his head and wrapped his arms around Soobin's neck pulling him back down kissing him again. It was slow yet sensual, Beomgyu stood there awkwardly and slowly put his shoes on.

"Sooooo I'm gonna go." They didn't say anything and Beomgyu grabbed his stuff but before he left-

"Beommie!" The younger turned to look at him. Yeonjun ran over and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for everything." He whispered and Beomgyu hugged him back.

"I know I'm amazing." He waved to him. "See you later." He left and Yeonjun turned back to Soobin.

"You have to make it up to me. I've been heart broke for 3 days."

Soobin nodded. "Anything you want I'll do it."

Yeonjun bit his lip smirking at him.

This is gonna be fun.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I want my boyfriend to pamper me even tho he already spoils me 😂 I'm almost 18 but I'm 3 at heart

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