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Thanks for 14k I can tell y'all really want double uploads if y'all keep this up 😂

Thanks for 14k I can tell y'all really want double uploads if y'all keep this up 😂

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The four of them stood there staring at each for what felt like hours.

"Uhhh Yeji I got your snacks you-"

"So you two are still together?" Some attitude in her voice. She looked at Yeonjun's outfit and she shrugged. "I'm surprised...you both look...not terrible."

Soobin cocked an eyebrow while Yeonjun leaned towards his boyfriend. "Was that supposed to be a compliment?" He whispered.

"I think so." He whispered back.

She sighed. "I'm not gonna be mean to you especially when you're blackmailing me. Anyways I have a new boyfriend now so there's no need for me to be jealous anyways. Just stay away from him I don't need you stealing another one of my boyfriends." She took Johnny's hand dragging him away.

Johnny quietly waved to them letting himself get dragged away.

Yeonjun and Soobin exchanged looks before shrugging. The older had a few gulps of his water before taking Soobin's hand.

"I wanna dance."

They went to the middle of the living room floor dancing. Yeonjun's hands were on around Soobin's shoulders as they moved together. After awhile Yeonjun was becoming more...energetic on the dance floor.

Soobin was getting a little tired and couldn't keep up with him, but he was wondering where all this energy came from.

Haechan walked over picking up things and throwing them into a trash bag. He looked really angry. "Hyung you okay?" Soobin asked.

"Some asshole drugged the water bottles and spiked the punch. A lot of people had to leave and my boyfriend kicked him out. Don't drink out of the water bottles I don't know what he put in them." He walked away to finish picking up some trash.

Soobin froze and then looked at Yeonjun's water bottle and saw he drank half of it. He looked back up at Yeonjun who was now dancing with some random guy who's hand was slipping further and further under his sweater.

Soobin quickly walked over shoving the guy away and pulling Yeonjun close to him. "Yah what the fuck?!"

"The hell are you doing to my boyfriend?!" He exclaimed loudly over the music.

"Nothing he doesn't want."

"Fuck off!"

"Tsk whatever." And then he disappeared into the crowd.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun holding his face. "Hyung? Hey look at me." He was starting to sway and before he knew it Yeonjun started to fall over but Soobin caught him. "Damn it." He helped him finding a bathroom closing the door behind him. "Yeonjun!" He lightly tapped his cheek. "Junnie!"

"Mmmm." He groaned slowly opening his eyes. "Wanna danceeee~" he slurred.

"No dancing I'm gonna take you home."

"Noooo~" He shoved him away. "Stay 'way from me, I have a boyfriend~" he tried to stand up but fell to the floor. "Binnie!"

Soobin got down in front of him. "Hyung it's me look." Yeonjun looked at him squinting.

"S-Soobin." He hugged him. "Th-there was a pervert trying to take me home!" He started crying. "I wanna leave."

Soobin helped him up. "Get on my back." Yeonjun did so and gave the older a piggyback ride to the car. He laid him down in the backseat and then drove home.

He called someone on the way.

"Hey we're almost there did you leave?...okay cool thanks...he's either drunk or high someone was spiking everything in there...yeah he's asleep...okay bye!"

Yeonjun groaned. "Binnie?"

"Yes hyung?"

"Can you fuck me tonight?"

Soobin laughs. "No hyung you aren't thinking straight right now, we will once you sober up."


"Yes hyung?"

"Our parents are getting married. What would they think of us?"

Soobin got quiet staring at the road ahead. "Go to sleep hyung." He turned the radio on knowing Yeonjun fell asleep to music.

My dad knows I'm bi but what would they say if they found out. Maybe we should just keep our relationship a secret for awhile, we could tell them after the wedding. Yeonjun and I can't keep this up forever.

Soobin pulled into his driveway and then got out picking Yeonjun up. He groaned snuggling up against his chest.

"Binnie oppa."

"Yes hyung?"

"I'm hungry."

He put him down so he could unlock the door. "Hyung I had something really special planned tonight but I feel like if I show you, you won't remember."

Yeonjun brightened up from this. "It's not our anniversary."

He chuckled. "I know hyung I just wanted to do this." He opened the door and Yeonjun walked in gasping.

The floor was decorated with rose petals with a path of candles leading to Soobin's room with jazz playing in the background. Yeonjun followed the path into his bedroom with, there was a heart made out of petals on the floor with a gift basket in the middle.

He walked over and knelt down looking at the items. He look at the card that was cheesy and cute like Soobin.

"I tell you this constantly but I don't want you to forget, I love you with everything I am and I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Love Choi Soobin." He smiled and looked at a small photo book of them. Looking at all the memories they made since the first day they met. Soobin didn't know he kept so many of the pictures he thought he got rid of.

He came across a picture of him sleeping in Soobin's arms, goofty pictures when they were hanging out, a lot of pictures of Yeonjun eating. Yeonjun giggled wiping the tears from his eyes, when he got to the end of the book there was a sticky note.

"Turn around?" He did so and Soobin was holding a beautiful diamond ring. Yeonjun gasped and looked at him.

"I-It's a promise ring or my dads tie I should say." Yeonjun realized that's why he suddenly ran off at the mall. "I've been saving up for awhile. I love you a lot hyung."

He slipped it on to his ring finger on his right hand. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around him and kissing him deeply.

"This wasn't part of your tasks." He joked.

"I'm sure you can make an exception Junnie." And pressed their lips back together.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

😊 so cuuuuute

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