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Here's your second update enjoy

The next day when Yeonjun came into school no one looked at him funny, actually a lot of people apologized and left him nice notes on his desk and inside of his locker for forgiveness

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The next day when Yeonjun came into school no one looked at him funny, actually a lot of people apologized and left him nice notes on his desk and inside of his locker for forgiveness.

Soobin and Yeonjun talked occasionally but it was very awkward and because Kai helped him they reconciled, also becoming friends too and hung out after school at his house.

After a week went by Yeonjun was back to his normal self and was about, 50% happy...that's a lot right?

Yeonjun was in his room with Kai and Beomgyu, they were doing each others nails, laughing and somehow ended up on the subject of...


"Taehyun has been super horny lately and there's nothing wrong with that but my ass hurts all the time." Beomgyu complained as he painted his toes with black.

"Everyone knows you like it rough Beomie." Yeonjun joked.

"Shut up!" He threw a pillow at him and Yeonjun laughed. "So Kai...do you have someone you like?" He sang.

Kai blushed. "I did...but um someone stole his heart but I think I moved on. One of my friends confessed to me so we're gonna start dating."

Beomgyu and Yeonjun looked shocked. "Kai that's great what's his name?!" Beomgyu asked.

"Uhh...Renjun. He's 20 and from China. I really like him he's really handsome too."

"Aww Kai that's so cute. So when do we get to meet him?" Yeonjun asked.

"I dunno he's really busy with college lately but we're supposed to see each other this weekend. Plus he sings to me every night."

The two of them awed and Yeonjun's mom knocked on the door. "Yes!"

She opened it and peeked her head in. "Hey guys I made you all some snacks they are in the kitchen. I have the night shift so I won't be back until the morning okay?"

"Okay love you eomma!"

"Love you to Yeonnie bye Kai, bye Beommie!"

"Bye Ms. Choi!" They said in unison and she closed the door on her way out.

"Your mom is so pretty." Beomgyu said still painting his toes.

"Yeah I know." He smiled at them.

"If you don't mind me asking...where's your dad?" Kai asked.

Beomgyu froze and so did Yeonjun.

His dad was a complicated topic that only Beomgyu and Hyunjin knew about, Soobin never asked because part of him knew it was a touchy subject.

When Yeonjun didn't say anything Kai let out a nervous laugh. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Nono." Yeonjun gave him a weak smile. "It's okay it's just...something I really don't wanna talk about. And do not mention him around my eomma." He gave him a serious look.

"I won't I promise." Kai said and Yeonjun looked down at Kai's nails painting them a baby blue.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward after that. They finished their nails and ate the food she prepared for them.

"Wow this is amazing." Kai said. "She should open a restaurant."

Beomgyu nodded in agreement.

"Ooo she baked cookies." Yeonjun took them out the oven.

"I'm gonna put a movie on." Beomgyu said walking into the living room. "Kai bring the snacks!" He called.

"Hyung bring the cookies." He whispered yelled going into the living room as well.

Yeonjun was about to follow them when his phone vibrated.

Can I see you?

Oh shit.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Soobin??? What does he want 👀

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