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Sorry about updating so late
work has had me up a pole 😓🙄

Lunch went well with everyone, they made small talk it was almost as if Soobin never shattered Yeonjun's heart

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Lunch went well with everyone, they made small talk it was almost as if Soobin never shattered Yeonjun's heart. He took them all back to Yeonjun's house and the older gave Beomgyu his house key.

"I'm gonna talk to Binnie." He whispered and Beomgyu nodded.

He turned back to Soobin who was leaning up against his car.

"Thanks for lunch."

Soobin nodded. "Of course."

Yeonjun looked down at his feet. "Binnie...promise me you won't do this again."

Soobin hugged him and Yeonjun felt like his heart would explode. "I promise." Yeonjun hugged him back. "How have you been? You look...really good." He pulled away to admire his body.

Yeonjun blushed. "I-I've been okay...what about you?...that was a stupid question."

Soobin laughed and it warmed Yeonjun's heart hearing it. "Other than getting into that fight I've been getting by."

It got quiet and they both wanted to say those words that would change everything but they just couldn't.

"I should get going." Soobin said. "My dad is probably worried about me."

Yeonjun nodded. "Be safe Binnie." Before he turned to walk away he quickly stood on his toes and planted a soft kiss on Soobin's cheek before giving him a smile and walking up his driveway.

Say it you idiot call for him say it say it, Soobin screamed at himself.

But he didn't and watched Yeonjun walk into his house before getting into his car and driving away.

When Yeonjun walked inside Beomgyu and Kai were staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Soooo what happened?" Beomgyu asked.

"Nothing I just told him to get home safely and no more fighting." Kai and Beomgyu looked not happy with that. "What did you think was going to happen?"

Kai and Beomgyu exchanged looks grabbing their things. "Welp gotta go!" Beomgyu pulled Kai's arm and they left leaving Yeonjun standing in front of the door completely oblivious to what was going on.

"Those two are weird."


Yeonjun was talking to Hyunjin during lunch and Soobin couldn't stop staring at him.

What are they talking about? And why does Yeonjun keep laughing he can't be that funny.



Taehyun looked at him. "Dude just go tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

Taehyun gave him a look. "We all know you're in love with Yeo-"

Soobin clasped his hand over Taehyun's mouth. "Who the hell told you that?" He whispered yelled.

Taehyun pulled his hand away. "Beomie did."

"Hey." They looked up at Beomgyu at he sat down next to Taehyun. "What's wrong?" He asked seeing their facial expressions.

"How do you know that I'm in love with you know who?"



Beomgyu laughed. "It's actually pretty obvious, and Kai told me. He said keep it a secret but I had to tell Tae." He kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I made you lunch." He handed it to him.

"Thanks babe."

Soobin groaned. "He doesn't know right?" He asked.

"Of course not." Beomgyu said as he ate his sub sandwich.

He looked over at Yeonjun again who was smiling and nodding at whatever Hyunjin was saying to him. He watched as his eyes smiled as he laughed and when he touched Hyunjin's hand it made Soobin feel weird.

What the hell?

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Jealous Binnie is a cute Binnie

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