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Make sure you read chapter 70

Yeonjun wore a simple pink sweater and black jeans for dinner

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Yeonjun wore a simple pink sweater and black jeans for dinner. He was helping Shinhye set the table when they heard a knock at the door. She answered it and smiled gently.

"Hi honey." He kissed his cheek. "Soobin."

"Hi Ms. Choi."

You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Everyone sat quietly around the table, since the table sat only four Yeonjun was stuck sitting in front of Jinhyuk so he couldn't just look up at Soobin. If he turned his head it would make it to obvious so he kept his head tilted down.

They waited until everyone was done eating to speak.

"So." Jinhyuk started looking at the two teens. "Shinhye and I have came up with a decision for you two."

Yeonjun suddenly felt the urge to the throw up.

"You two can't be together." Yeonjun's heart shattered, he swore he could hear it breaking as he spoke. He didn't dare look at Soobin but he knew he was just as hurt by his words. "The relationship is just weird and wrong, you two are going to be brothers and you need to act like it."

The man turned and looked at his son who didn't know if he wanted to yell or cry. "A buddy of mines has a beautiful daughter around your age she'd be perfect for-"

"Please excuse me." Yeonjun quickly stood up running to the bathroom.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin stood but his father grabbed his hand.

"Sit." The younger looked at him before slowly sitting back down.

Shinhye stood and went to the bathroom where Yeonjun was throwing up everything he just ate.

"You are overreacting." He looked up at his mom wiping his mouth. "You are going off to college soon anyways, a relation with him while you are away was never going to last."

Yeonjun was in disbelief. "What is wrong with you?" He asked and stood up as he flushed the toilet. "You are nothing like the eomma I knew, were you just pretending to love me for who I am? You called my clothes inappropriate which you never do, you aren't supporting me anymore with this. I know I was wrong to go behind your back but we knew you probably wouldn't approve." He protested.

"He is your future step brother Yeonjun. I expected better from you." She shook her head. "You are starting to act like your father more and more everyday."

Yeonjun's eyes widened from that and she left the bathroom. He felt his stomach bubbling again and he turned back towards the toilet throwing up again.

When Shinhye came back Soobin stared her down but she didn't look at him. "He won't be here for the rest of the conversation." She spoke and then looked at Jinhyuk. "So tell me about this lovely girl."

Soobin couldn't believe this, he quickly stood up ignoring the calls from his dad to come back. He went to the bathroom seeing Yeonjun on the floor sobbing.

"Yeonjun." He knelt down next to him.

"What is wrong with them?" He asked with tears running down his face. "Is what we did really so wrong?"

Soobin shook his head. "Don't let their comments make you doubt our relationship."

"What relationship Soobin?!" He snapped. "Didn't you hear them? There is no us anymore!"

"We don't have to listen to them."

Yeonjun shook his head. "You don't understand Soobin."

He dropped the Binnie again.

He let out a sigh. "I feel awful...I feel like I betrayed her, she's always been there for me and I really hurt her. Why did I think this would work? They were going to find out and we knew deep down this would happen."

"What are you saying?" Soobin asked. "You aren't seriously thinking of breaking up are you?"

Yeonjun looked down at the ring on his finger. "I'm sorry Soobin." He took it off and placed it in Soobin's hand. "We're done." He stood up and left the bathroom going to his room.

Soobin stared at the ring as tears ran down his face.

Why is reality so cruel?

The end.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Welp how did y'all like the book we've come a long way huh thank you for all of your support 💛!!!

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