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Surprise at the end

"Jinnie~" Yeonjun called running towards Hyunjin in the school parking lot

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"Jinnie~" Yeonjun called running towards Hyunjin in the school parking lot.

"Hey Junnie." He squeezed the olders cheeks. "How are you?"

"Good. Are we still going out tonight?" Yeonjun asked walking towards his care with him.

"Of course. Beomie and Tae and tagging along right?"


"Do you have a ride home?"

Yeonjun shrugged. "I was just gonna wa-"

"Get in the car Yeonjun." He opened the door for him and Yeonjun thanked him getting in. Soobin watched as they drove off together and he felt his blood boiling.

Hyunjin dropped him off at home and Yeonjun went inside changing into his baby boy clothes. He sat down on his couch watching tv when he got a text message.

Let's hang out tonight

Baby Junnie❤️:
I'd love to but I'm hanging out
with Beomie, Tae and Jinnie tonight

You and that Hyunjin guy
must be close

Baby Junnie❤️:
Yeah I've known him for awhile why?

Nothing. Have fun tonight

I should invite him.

Baby Junnie❤️:
You should come along.

ㅋㅋ no its fine have fun
with your friends

Yeonjun couldn't help but feel bad, they hadn't really hung out outside of school in awhile. But he wasn't going to force him to go if he didn't want to. He got ready putting on the cutest outfit.

(A/N: all their outfits are posted at the end you can skippy on down there to look at them)

Yeonjun's phone rang and it was Beomgyu.

"We're outside let's go!" He said.

"Coming!" He grabbed his phone and wallet leaving the house.

Hyunjin opened the door for him and Yeonjun smiled. "You look beautiful." He said looking him up and down.

Yeonjun blushed. "Thanks, you look very handsome." They got in and Beomgyu was in the back with Taehyun. "Ready to go clubbing?" He asked.

"Yessss I have a fake id I'm drinking!"

Taehyun just shook his head. It was gonna be a long night. They got to the club and somehow Beomgyu got them all fake ids to get in.

"Beomgyu how did you get them?" Hyunjin whispered.

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