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Knock knock knock

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Knock knock knock

Yeonjun bit his lip as the water came down on his head. That was knock number 10 and he still hadn't stepped out the shower.

"Hyung are you okay in there? You've been in the shower for awhile." He heard the water turn off and then a few seconds go by before the door opens.

Yeonjun smiled at him with his towel wrapped around his waist. "Sorry the water felt really nice." He walked past him and went to dry off.

Soobin felt something was off. "Are you okay?"

Yeonjun nodded. "Yeah why?" He asked drying his hair off.

Soobin sat down on the bed. "You've been acting weird ever since we left the beach."

Yeonjun walked over to him straddling the younger with his nude body and pushing him down onto the bed.

"I'm fine." He leaned down and started kissing his jawline and neck.

Soobin bit back a moan but a lot of things were going through his head. First, he genuinely wanted to have a serious conversation with him because he knew something was wrong and second, he wasn't kidding about the 2 weeks without sex thing.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Yeonjun roll his hips. Soobin held them still causing Yeonjun to look at him, "what?" He asked confused.

He started to sit up still holding him so he didn't fall. "Hyung I really wanna talk to you. I've known you for years I know when there's something wrong-"

"I said I'm fine!" He snapped and then got off of him putting his clothes on. "God Binnie you really know how to ruin a mood. We finally get together after what? 3 months and you're acting like his?"

Soobin gave him a look. "You have a problem with me caring about how you feel?" He asked.

Yeonjun put a shirt on and climber into bed. "Just forget it, I said I was fine." He turned the lights off and Soobin sighed laying down as well. He went to wrap his arms around him but Yeonjun moved his hands away.

Soobin looked at him in the dark and then turned over facing away from him.

They both quickly fell asleep but Soobin was woken up in the middle of the night from noises. He looked at the clock that read "3:43am", he groaned and then heard whimpers and cries. He quickly sat up switching the light on and then looked at Yeonjun.

He was obviously having a nightmare so he reached over to wake him up but what he said next made Soobin's blood boil.

"St-Stop...n-no don't...Hyunjin p-please..."

Soobin gently shook him awake. "Yeonjun wake up." He said firmly and continued shaking him. "Yeonjun!"

The olders eyes opened and he sat up quickly, his chest heaving and covered in cold sweat. He touched his head and started softly crying. "I didn't mean to wake you I-"

"What did Hyunjin do to you?" His voice was deep and husky, Yeonjun looked at him visibly tensing up at the name.

"I-I don't know what y-you're-" He stood up putting his shoes on. "W-Wait where are y-you-"

Soobin grabbed his car keys. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."

Yeonjun jumped up and stood in front of the door. "Please don't."

Soobin looked down at him. "What the hell did he do?" He asked again.

Yeonjun tilted his head down. "I-It was my fault, he said that b-because I-I was-"

"What did he do?"

Yeonjun looked at him seeing how angry he looked and felt himself shrink under his glare.

Yeonjun hugged him. "Don't break up with me Soobin I swear I told him to stop I promise." He cried and then felt Soobin touch his head. "I'm so sorry."

"Look at me." Yeonjun did so and Soobin wiped his tears away. "You have no reason to apologize. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked carrying Yeonjun to bed.

He placed him down and Yeonjun looked at him. "I was just scared of what you'd think of me." He murmured.

"Hyung I love you more than anything I would never think anything bad about you." He embraced him. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone I wish I was there for you."

Yeonjun held him tighter. "I'm sorry."

"Shhh. Get some sleep." He laid him down and Soobin kicked his shoes off laying next to him, Yeonjun snuggled up against him and soon fell asleep.

When he was absolutely sure he was asleep he slowly and quietly got out of bed putting his shoes back on and grabbing his keys. He kissed Yeonjun's head before leaving and getting in his car.

He drove quickly gripping the stirring wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white. His eyes were locked on the road filled with blood lust...

Hyunjin was going to pay for what he did to Yeonjun.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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