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Yeonjun felt Soobin's lip touch his neck and he bit his lip. "B-Binnie nngh." He moaned squirming underneath him as he started to gently bite at his skin on his shoulder. "Wha-what are you doing? What about Y-Yeji?" He asked.

"Who?" He asked trailing more kisses on his jawline.

"Mmm." Yeonjun kept biting his lip, sure that he'd make it bleed soon.

"You knew what you were doing Junnie hyung." He said in his ear and started biting on it, Yeonjun moaned again. "If you want to put your mouth to use don't do it on a popsicle." He sat up and started unbuttoning his pants.

"B-Binnie we can't what a-are you-"

Soobin chuckled. "Don't act like we've never hooked up before, just because our parents are dating doesn't mean anything. Now get on your knees." Yeonjun obeyed, he loved being used by Soobin and he would be lying if he said he didn't want this. He got on his knees while Soobin sat on the couch with his legs open and his dick out. "Suck." His voice was deep and husky and Yeonjun loved it.

He got in between his legs and started licking from base to tip, Soobin groaned and when he took Soobin whole he threw his head back. "Ah fuck!" Yeonjun felt Soobin grip on his hair so he sucked in his cheeks more and started bobbing his head feeling his dick hit the back of his throat causing him to moan which made Soobin groan. "Shit, you're doing so good baby." He bucked his hips up a little causing Yeonjun to gag. "I'm gonna cum."

Yeonjun held onto his thighs and Soobin bucked his hips up again. "Mmm." Yeonjun moaned, he liked when he did that and Soobin could tell so he started thrusting into his mouth holding onto the back of his head. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes as he gripped Soobin's thigh harder.

"Fuck!" He stood up thrusting hard and fast into his mouth Yeonjun was gagging and coughing. "I'm cumming shit-" he held Yeonjun's head as he released into his mouth. He rode out his orgasm and when he finally let go Yeonjun fell to the floor gasping and coughing as tears flowed down his cheeks.

Yeonjun looked completely wrecked and Soobin thought he looked so beautiful like that. "Come here." He helped Yeonjun up and put him in his lap. "Look what we have here." He touched Yeonjun's hard leaking dick feeling the older flinch. "What should I do about this Junnie hyung~" he brushed his finger against the tip and Yeonjun bit his lip.

"B-Binnie...t-touch me pleeeease." He begged as he straddled him. Soobin smiled and leaned in kissing his collarbone as he started to jerk off Yeonjun. "Oh fuck!" He moaned, holding tightly onto Soobin. He put his forehead on Soobin's shoulder, closing his eyes, feeling the pleasure rush through him. He started to grind his hips into Soobin's hand letting out whimpers and pleas.

Soobin chuckled. "So needy aren't you hyung?"

Yeonjun replied with a string of moans when he felt Soobin tighten his grip a little. They did hook up a few times in the past but they never went all the way and when they found out their parents were dating each other it gave them even more reason not to. But they slipped up and hooked up again a few months ago and when Soobin ended up getting a girlfriend Yeonjun knew he was off limits now.

Looks like that went completely over Soobin's head.

"Oh Soobin, I-I'm close." When he felt Soobin loosen his grip he started to whine. "Shit, please Soobi-aah!" When he suddenly tightened, jerking him off faster than before, Yeonjun finally came all over both of their shirts. He was whimpering as Soobin was slowly jerking him off and his hips and legs were shaking.

"Shhhh." Soobin kissed his shoulder that was showing kissing the bruises he left. "You were such a good boy Junnie hyung."

Yeonjun looked at his shirt and hand. "I-I'm sorry." He said shyly.

"Let's go get cleaned up." He carried Yeonjun to his room and they both changed and cleaned themselves off.

Soobin's phone vibrated in his back pocket, he vibrated constantly during his playtime with Yeonjun but he ignored it. He groaned and reluctantly answered the phone.

"Hello?...my dad needed me home and you were taking too long...then why didn't you text me? I waited outside for almost 20 minutes!" Soobin yelled back.

Yeonjun knew it was Yeji and he really hated her not because he was dating Soobin but because she was an awful person.

Soobin sighed. "Okay whatever I'll be over soon bye." He hung up.

"I'll wash your shirt for you." Yeonjun said and Soobin smiled at him.

"I gotta go." He walked over and kissed Yeonjun's cheek. He never kissed him on the lips though. "Yeji is being a bitch again, I'll text you!" He left Yeonjun in his own thoughts.

He was able to do something like that and immediately go back to his girlfriend like nothing happened, while Yeonjun was having a fight with his own heart, because he wasn't sure if it was love or lust that made him feel weird everytime he went back to Yeji.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Yeonjun is one of those amazing people who can look cute and sexy and I'm jealous

Yeonjun is one of those amazing people who can look cute and sexy and I'm jealous

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