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10K READS I'M FUCKING 💀Thank you all so much I will definitely reward thisPlease continue to vote and comment love to see it💛💛💛\(//∇//)\

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Yeonjun looked shocked. Hyunjin joked about being gay before and how him and Beomgyu confuse him sometimes but he didn't think he'd ever be serious.

"Why do you think you're gay?" Yeonjun asked.

Hyunjin looked down. "The truth?" He asked and Yeonjun nodded. "Because of you."


"Yeonjun you are really beautiful and when we were at the club together dancing I just felt an urge to kiss you but I thought I was just crazy." Yeonjun blushed a little and looked away from him. "I really don't know how to feel, I'm a little confused."

Yeonjun touched his hand. "Hey it's okay Jinnie it's like that sometimes for some people. It was like that for me too. I'm here for you every step of the way." He smiled gently at him and Hyunjin started thinking.

"Can I...can I kiss you?" He asked. "I-I just really want to know."

"I can't I'm with Binnie."

Hyunjin pouted. "He doesn't have to know it's just me testing the waters." It wasn't him testing the waters.

Yeonjun gave him a look. "I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that I'm with Binnie. I'm sorry." Hyunjin nodded understanding. "I'm tired, let's sleep." He crawled over to him laying down on top of the younger male. It was quiet for awhile the tv playing in the background before Yeonjun spoke again.



"Am I really stupid and naive?" He asked, his head resting on Hyunjin's chest as he rubbed his back soothingly.

"Of course not hyung Soobin was just being a dick like always."

Yeonjun let out a sigh. "I can't stop thinking about what he said...it really hurt."

"Then don't think about it...hyung look at me." Yeonjun sat up looking at him with glossy eyes. "You are the smartest, kindest, most caring person I know and I mean it from the bottom of my heart."

He sniffed as Hyunjin wiped his tears with his thumb brushing gently under his eye. "R-Really?"

Hyunjin nodded as he stared him, they stayed this way for awhile as if the other was searching for something in their eyes.

Then all of a sudden Hyunjin's lips were on Yeonjun's who was completely caught off guard, the older's eyes started to slowly close kissing him back before his eyes snapped opened again quickly pulling away.

He stood up and started grabbing his things. "I-I have to go."

Hyunjin watched him. "W-Wait Hyung-"

"Don't! I-I'm with Binnie and you know that and I know that I-I kissed you back I cheated on him!" He was sobbing now and Hyunjin felt awful.

"I'm so sorry Hyung!" He stood up and Yeonjun went to get his bag and started heading for the door but Hyunjin blocked him. "Please listen to me-"

"Hyunjin move I can't-"

"I like you!" Yeonjun froze staring at him. "I like you so much hyung and I'm sorry for upsetting but I'm not sorry for kissing you. I-If you just give me a chance-"

"I love Soobin. It's always been Soobin I'm sorry Hyunjin but I can't be with you I'm in love with him. Please l-let me leave." The look on Hyunjin's face would be forever engraved into Yeonjun's mind.

The look of heartbreak that he knew all too well.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And I oop-🍵👀

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