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The bed banged against the wall and Yeonjun's moan were much louder this round. Soobin had him bent over the bed as he pushed deep inside of him.

"You're so beautiful hyung." He groaned. "You're still so tight even though I've fucked you for so long." Yeonjun couldn't say anything he just voiced his pleasure clawing at the bed sheets. "You like being fucked roughly?"

Yeonjun nodded. "Y-Yes!" He groaned, he opened his eyes seeing Soobin's face looking down at him. His eyes went wide and he gasped. "O-Oh fuck!" He arched his back more pushing himself into Soobin. "B-Binnie harder right there!"

Soobin complied. "You're so sexy hyung." Yeonjun tried to touch himself for relief but Soobin suddenly grabbed his arms pinning his arms behind his back. "You're gonna cum from my dick. Don't you want that Junnie hyung~"

"Aah y-yes Binnie. P-Please let me cum." Soobin held his wrists with one hand and with the other he slapped Yeonjun's ass hard. "Oh fuck daddy yes!" He called.

"I can't hear you baby." He spanked him again.

The pain felt so good, the stinging was pleasure for him. "Oh Binnie shit, I love your cock nngh!"

Soobin spanked him again and Yeonjun came without warning, the younger still pounding into him like a madman.

"Fuck baby I'm gonna cum."

Yeonjun asked Soobin not to use a condom this round.

"Nngh i-inside aah p-please." He begged.

Soobin did so slowly riding out his orgasm, pushing his semen deeper inside of him. They were both breathing heavily slowly coming off of there highs but knowing they were no where close to being done.


"Yes hyung."

"C-Can I get on top?" He asked and Soobin smiled.

"Of course baby."

Soobin sat on the bed leaning against the headboard while Yeonjun straddled him holding onto his shoulders.

"Move when you are ready." Yeonjun nodded and slowly rolled his hips biting back a moan. "You look so beautiful like this baby." He started to suck hickies onto his collarbone as his hands moved up and down his sides. He rested his hands on his ass and squeezed before slapping it.

"B-Binnie aah fuck!" This prompted him to go faster and start bouncing in his lap. "S-So big. Aahhh~ fuck S-Say I'm a g-good boy Binnie."

"You like when I say that to you?" He asked and Yeonjun nodded followed by moans and whimpers. "I love my good boy." He continued to suck hickies on his neck. "Do you love me Yeonjun?" He gripped his ass spreading them so he could thrust up into him.

Yeonjun threw his head back. "S-Soobin o-oh God!" He cried out tugging on his hair. "H-Harder baby fuck oppa~ aah m-more!" He held onto him so their chests were touching as he moaned into his ear.

Soobin was close feeling himself twitch inside of him. His moans were intoxicating and he loved the way he said his name.

"Shit I'm close." He groaned putting his forehead on Yeonjun's shoulder as he continued to bounce on him. "God I love you so fucking much hyung."

Yeonjun looked at him with tears in his eyes from the pleasure. He cupped Soobin's face in his hands. "I-I love you too Soobin."

The younger smiled at him before connecting their lips in a very heated kiss. Soobin thrusted into him again faster than before, Yeonjun broke away to moan loudly calling out Soobin's name before cumming on their chests and stomachs.

"Shit I'm cumming." And he pulled out almost all the way before thrusting back into him cumming inside of him. Yeonjun whimpered and Soobin let out a loud groan and a few grunts as he rode out his orgasm before stopping completely.

They breathed heavily catching their breaths. Soobin caressed Yeonjun's red face, the older slowly opened his eyes looking at Soobin before giving him a gentle smile.

"Let's get cleaned up."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

They smashed-and I oop

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