New Girl

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It was a beautiful Monday morning ,everyone  in Class 1-A was so happy and excited knowing that there is a new student transferring into their class . " Omg  I can't wait, I wonder what she looks like.", exclaimed Mina 
  " Yeah me too ."said Uraraka. " I wonder what her quirk is  hopefully it's one that makes money, then I can just become best friends with her and I can get her to make hundred dollar bills for me . I'D BE HELLA RICH."
   " Or instead of using her to get rich , she could take us all shopping for new clothes . wouldn't that be fun, said Mina
      " YEAH TOTALLY" exclaimed all the other girls.  leaving uraraka  a little embarrassed.

" All right everyone in your seat. now let me introduce you to Ciara ,said Mr Aizawa
   Every one stares at You  in amazement seeing that you  looked rlly pretty especially since the sun was shining on your beautiful brown skin ,and your blond box braids looked beautiful in the sun also.( you can change the color of the box braids if u want) You had nice full lips and beautiful dark brown eyes that glowed in the sunshine.
      " Now Ciara, Introduce yourself. Said Mr.aizawa
" Ummm well first Mr Aizawa I wanted to ask u a question......... Are  u ok...... or what, cause u look like ur high right now and u got into a fight  with some cats down the streets " u said staring at his messy hair. " I meant that in the nicest way possible  no disrespect I've just been thinking that since I first saw you"
        " Wow Ciara ... well I'm fine and ur ok I'm just rlly tired , Now as I said before introduce ur self to the class."
   " Oh yeah my bad forgot ." Looking slightly embarrassed. You explained to the class that you were from America , Boston Massachusetts to be specific and how u moved to Japan.
   "Thank you Ciara said Mr. Aizawa, now take a seat near Bakugo ." as he pointed to the boy with the blond hair.
   " Now class get ur hero costume on we're going to  Ground Beta. Said Mr Aizawa
  Every on got their costumes and headed to the lockeroom. As u were  putting on yours , Momo came up to u and said, " Ciara it's rlly nice to meet u I'm Momo Yaourozou ( idk if I spelled that right). "I rlly hope u fell welcomed at this school and have the best experience." She said
      "Thank you." u said, " And hopefully I get partners up with u so we can talk more."
   "Same to you." she said with a big smile on her face.
      "Hey Ciara" you heard someone say. You turned around and realized it was that pink girl  with the black eyes, Mina
   "You said u were from America right. How was it there. You were  the most popular girl in ur school and had all the boys attention.
"Yeah and considering that ur rlly pretty that's probably true. Said Uraraka
    " Well .... sorta "but it wasn't the type of attention that they thought. You were thinking of all the times you've been bullied for have " too dark of a skin color"  All they time  boys would compare you to monkyes  and make fun of how big your lips were. Or how when u were in eighth  grade and it was pajama day u decided to wear you bonnet to school sconce your hair want the prettiest and one of the girls in you class yelled . " Ay Ciara what's in that ghetto ass hat of yours
  " It's not a hat", you replied calmly " It's a bonnet
   ". Yeah well whatever that shit is, why's it soo damn big what ya hidding  in there .Is it a gun or ohhhh mabey it's some drugs.   Yeah that's probably right ..considering that both of ur siblings died cause  they got caught selling that shit u probably going down that same whole as  they did. And who knows one day you'll  be dead. Buts it's not like any one would care for u . I mean-........
    "Ayy shut the fuck up " u said in an aggravated tone. " If the next words that come out of ur mouth is some racist shit I will not hesitate to beat the fuck out of u."

" Oh rlly?" The girl said " Mr Darnchello !" She read in an annoying tone , Ciara threatend to pull  a gun and shoot me".

" What! you know I never said that to you stop lying and tell him  I didn't." Then Mr. Darnchello turned around asking" Is that true Ciara did you really  say that. I was abt to answer but then she interuppted me and started playing victim saying," Oh yes, she said she would beat me up and then she and her gang would kill me. " I tried to defend my self but I kept stuttering and the more I did the or he started not to trust me.

" C'mon guy help me out here ," I said "tell him that she's lying". Then I heard someones voice talking I tuned around to see that It was my bestfriend . I rlly thought that she was gonna defend me but then said," Well I did hear you say that you were going to beat her up."

" Yeah I heard you say that too "said another voice It it kept going on and on everyone was taking her side and I had none to defend me but myself  . Even my bestfriend betrayed . At that moment I felt like curling up in a ball and crying myself too sleep. Suddenly I felt a hand grab both of my hand and put them behind my back.

"C'mon ", said Mr. Darnchello." We're going to the principals office.

Wait!, I said, "but don't you think this is a little unnessacary, you treating me like a criminal and I'm not so please let my hands go." I pleaded. Then  he gave me this look , one I will never forgot. The look of fear and uncertainty, and at that moment I knew that I was never looked at the same not here  or anywhere. At stores people  gave me weird stares and followed be around one tried to even call the cops on me. That was a day I would never forget.

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