Ch. 20

54 4 1

ZuZu: Hey do you hear something

" hear what?"

ZuZu: a banging noise like someone stomping . It's coming from above in the celling.

" ion hear anything , maybe cause of im partially deaf "

ZuZu: oh really deaf. From what?"

" from bakugos annoying ass voice. He talks too much. " yappa yappa like a dog". He's pretty but everything that comes out of this mans mouth is utterly disgusting.. he should shut up more often.

ZuZu: if you think he's bad now you would absolutely despised him on middle school and in the beginning of first year ."

*the banging gets louder

" you know what, I can hear it I wonder what it is-"


Joshua: SURPRISSE! Thought you could run away from me. I'm surprised you are your friend even got out of there. Maybe I should actually go got the kill  this time what do you think .

ZuZu: don't get to cocky if anyone is dying it's gonna be you

" you think after everything you did all the pain you cause to thousands of people multiple families . To me that you gonna get away with this. You better pray that God is on your side. Cause by the end of this your ass will be six feet tin the ground "

Joshua: oh I look forward to that. Oop you better watch your feet

Zuzu: huh?

The same metal spikes that appears in the other room were in the old lab too. But thankfully that one didn't hit you or izuki

" what the heck. Did you put these every where"

Joshua: they can be if I want too

" what do you mean by that "

Joshua: how do u put this. Mind transferring mind manipulation? What ever I think can basically appear. Obviously there are many draw back for a quirk as powerful as mine. But it one hell of a advantage and power and I love using it.

Zuzu: hey Joshua , that's your name right?

Joshua: yeah and. What do you want

Zuzu : u wanna sandwhich. Turkey , bacon , Mayo, Swiss cheese and tomato.

" Izumi are you out if your mind? ! . We are in a life or death situation and your asking him a sand which.? Did he also mess up you brain.?

Joshua: yeah I agree with her. You good man cause I'm about to kill y'all.

Zuzu: no, I'm completely fine . Anyway the sand which want it

Joshua: sure I guess .

Zuzu: here

Joshua: hmm this stuff good , bread perfectly buttered. Meat cooked well I love thi-..... * cough cough*

As soon as he started eating. Something happened to him.. red gooey blood clots , he started to cough them up. The sandwich was injected with something, but what is it?

Joshua: the hell what did you put in this damn sandwich. * cough cough cough* It's like- ugh I - I- my heart * cough cough cough *

More blood spewed out of his month . The giant pool of blood got bigger and bigger each time. Big enough to fill 5 bags fir a blood transfusion.

Joshua: it's like I'm ........

Zuzu: like you what ..... dying. If so your absolutely correct sir.

Joshua: my- my heart ...... it's .....

Zuzu : it's slowly stopping. Each breath you take it's getting slower and slower. Just like that . Keep going, what ya wanna say. Speak up I can't hear you.

He was correct no sound came out of Joshua after that. His heart failed due the the deadly poison that was injected in the food.

" Izuku, is he dead"

Zuzu: no he's just taking a long nap . Yes he's dead

" first of all . Where did you get that sandwich from . Second of all what , was in that sandwich"

Zuzu: one I had it on my blazer. Two , while I was babysitting eri, I asked her to make me food cause I was ya know hungry.
She made that sandwich. I forgot to eat it that day . But I remembers it before we left . So I put the sandwich in side my blazer for later. Now take it back a few days later. During science class we were creating chemicals , by accident I made Botulinum, which is a very deadly chemical that can kill you when ingested. Now before we left I brought that chemical with me. I put in in a small jar. And I took that jar with me cause I knew something might happen , And there could be a death since we are dealing with shigiraki , one of the biggest villains in Japan. Now after I got knocked and regained some consensness. I was hungry and wanted to eat, and I remembers my sandwich, and I was soo happy, but at the same time very upset .

" cause Joshua knocked you out?"

Zuzu: cause he stole my limited edition allmight figure that I stole from sir night eye when he died.

" hold on lemme seee where this is going. So you got mad that he stole a figure ... that wasn't even yours. And that really made you made so you got that sandwich and pointed it with Botulinum.

Zuzu: Yesssss . Exactly!!!!

" that's soo uncalled for"

Zuzu: exuse me?? Totally justified.

* riiiing rinng *

" oh hold on some someone's calling me..... oh it kiri"

Kirishima: hey

" hey was up is something wrong. Is it bakugo."

Kirishima: yess . He awake and he's feeling better. Recovery girl , our school nurse was sent here . Cause he learned what happened with Uraraka. And she found us. But he was taken to the hospital.

" Uraraka?! .... kirishima about her- "

Kirishima: I know she's a fake the real one was taken to the hospital. Todorki is hunting her down. Anyways I got to go.

* call ends*

Zuzu: what was that about ...... bakugo ?

" yeah he's ok . He's currently on the hospital "

Zuzu: that's great I'm glad he's ok."

" you really care about him don't you "

Zuzu: i mean yeah I guess . He's a huge part of my life. And I wanna keep it that way ya know. I've known him for soo long. If he were to die I don't know what I would do. If you saw the way I reacted to him being kidnapped. Imagine how I would be when he dies. I don't want to know what I'll become.

" yeah . I know what you mean . I'm glad y'all two have each other.


Y'all never mind I realized I have Wattpad on my old phone. Sooo I'm good. And imma finish the story on here too instead if my second account.
Thank y'all for reading have a blessed summer . Love y'all's stay safe 💓💓

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