CH. 21

49 3 1

Ciara POV

I arrived at the scene. Todoroki  and tokoyami were trying to hold him off  but weren't succeeding.
It didn't matter that shigiraki has more people on his side. Cause I've seen what my classmates can do and they could easily take out a whole team by themselves. It just shigiraki and the extra too we're just too strong.

MOMO:  Oh good thank God you guys are here

" yeah I'm glad I made it on time. I need to go help they're really struggling in there"

" No . Midorya you go in help . But Ciara I need you for something important."

" what do you mean more important. I've gotta go help them out. If I do t they could die . And I don't feel like losing anyon-

" stop talking soo fast. Listen to me first .  Take out your gun "

" ok , but why, trying to shot him isn't gonna do any good . I can't get close to him without the possibility of getting hurt. And what if one of them try's to stop me.

" yeah that's why your gonna long range shoot him"

" from where though. Not enough space."

" that's why we're gonna wait till until they've destroyed most of the rooms. More open space and better view"

" where am I gonna hid though. "

" in the celling. I know it's hot and cramp up in there but it the only way.".

"Ok and what are u gonna do. "

" I'm still searching for toga"

" well then go. Be safe."


Wow , first week of school and i almost died. Does this happen a lot at U. A?
I wonder how many battles they've been in
Or if anyone has died.
I can tell just by looking at my classmates faces they've been through a lot and they're used to this.
That's honestly sad if that's true.
Who puts children into war. Into battles like these . I thought this was where you train to be a hero not a place where you can die at the young age of fifteen. I don't regret my choice bro come here at all . Its just different than expected. That's all.
I wonder how I'll be once I graduate U.A
Traumatized? Happy? Who knows.

But now is not the time to think of how I'm finna live through school or not I have a job to do and I better do it right

Fifteen minutes later.

Almost have , no more than half, of this floor has been demolished I wonder if the gala  is still going.

Ive already settled my self into the celling . And theres that rat who tried to fight me earlier.

It's dark and cold  in here. And there seems to be no whole that I can see through

"What if shigiraki doesn't die after i shoot him or what if I hit someone else and I mess up the whole thing. Did momo  make the right decision by choosing me.and  also I truly despise guns . The only reason I used it last time cause I was really Andy and I was the first thing my hand felt  . I wasn't thinking. 

MOMO: hey Ciara , you doing good

" yeah I'm fine. But there's a problem "

MOMO: what is it?

" there no hole or space for me to shoot is just pitch black in here..

MOMO: dang than that's a problem

" no really?!"

MOMO: I'm sorry I can see that your stressed . You gonna do fine just take a few deep  breaths . Is there a vent somewhere

" no I haven't felt one yet."

MOMO: then make a opening then

" with what though "

MOMO " your quirk , right. You can manipulate anything into what ever you want right"

" yeah "

MOMO: then use your quirk to make a pipe cutter to cut the celling.

" ok I'll do that "

Momo: good

" what's a pipe cutter"

MOMO: I'm sorry I got no time to get closing it to you . Just look it up bye

" bye stay safe"

" hey Siri "

" hello . I'm here."

" what's a pipe cutter ?"

" How to sell your brother. I'm on it"

" Noooo THATS  not what I meant. And why are there even answers to that anyways..

" Siri. Whhats     A.       Pipe       Cu tt er ""

" what's a sniper . I'm on it"


" that's not very nice."



After much continuous stabbing I manage  to make a hole big enough for my eyes and tip of my gun to get through.

I peek through the hole  to see if Im in a good enough position to shoot him. I can't really see anything but torn up chairs, walls. Broken chandelier. And massive holes in the walls

Couldn't they at least take this outside?

But then from the corner of my eye I see light blue hair.. it's the same colour that bakugo told me in his description.. It must be him.

I move to a position  where I can  get a good angle of his head.and I am about to shoot.

"DAMN IT.! "

Did he find me.? If so, how, cause I was very desecrate with my movements. Now there's a bullet in my leg . From who knows what
But I can't stop . This is my chance.

I point my through the hole and look for shigirakis head . He was still fighting so it had to be one of his men who shot me. Damn you.!


That man just shit another bullet at through the celling. Thankfully it missed my body but it tore a hole through my dress.


I can't stay here much longer. I have to move.
I drag my wounded foot along the celling. It hurts like hell

I kept moving at the fastest speed I could. But as I kept moving the celling seemed to be getting looser and looser .
So I stopped and contemplated in wether I should keep going or not.

No I can't keep going . I'm not gonna risk it.
I than masked a laser out of my skin and use it to cut a tiny hole through the metallic.

"Perfect, now all I got to do is get a. Good angle and shoot him. I have one bullet left that's it . If u don't get it . This might be the end.

. I turned my body to a good angle . Lying flat on my stomach.

321............. BANG

Did I make it? Please say I did.

I peak through the hole to see what happend.


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