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3rd person POV


You used you last bullet and aimed it perfectly at shigiraki. Now all they had to do was go back to the basement and stop the bombs.

Now all you had to do was get out. Thankfully there was a vent right next to you . You unhinged the screws and allowed you self to fall on top that man who shot you leg.. you couldn't cate less , he was knocked out and you were exhausted.

Zuzu: Ciara. Was that you just now ?!

". Yup i shot him in the head. I kinda feel bad though."

Zuzu: Don't worry . We're gonna to a burial . The same thing we do for all the villains we kill. It our way to show respect although . They did soo much wrong . Your leg!

" don't worry about me . Look at tokoyami and todoroki and You. ! Your all bruised and cut up. You must've broken a few bones. You would are deep.

Zuzu: " they're getting an ambulance. Don't worry and once we get there, we can see if Kacchan is ok. Got it ""

" yuhhhh ""

Midorya then passed out right next to you. But honestly you didn't care cause you knew he was going to be ok and you yourself felt extremely tired and unable to move.



Toga you got no where else to run. And it's over anyways kirishima had the code and is going to dismantle the bombs

Toga: " It couldn't have been that easy. Your lying. "

"Shigiraki is dead . Ciara shot him there's nothing else for you to do."

TOGA: " That damn girl . I should've killed the damn when I got the chance "

" oh well now it's too late . Isn't it"

Toga: yeah very unfortunate. But that doesn't mean I can't kill you."

" you would dare"

Toga: oh yesss I will . I got lots of energy today. So this is gonna be fun.

Toga charged at me with her syringe in her right hand
She swung at me . I stepped back balancing my weight leg on my right foot. . Then used my left leg to got her in the head.. her left arm quickly brought my leg to a halt and tried to twist it backwards . Then with all my weight on my right leg , I jumped with her still holding my leg and kicked her chin upwards , got my leg out of her hold and flipped backwards

Toga: Damn you quick on your feet.. You're really pushing me aren't ya."

" sure for you I guess. Other people could easily doge all the moves I made .

Toga: are you calling me weak?!

" I mean if the shoe fits ""

" Damn you "

She charged at me again, but from the left this time
Is she planning on getting me from the back?
She threw her syringe at me with exceptional force, dodging it fir the most part, but it caught my hair .
I stood up to try to break free but it was soo engraved with the walk it was hard

With me bing distracted , toga took this as a chance to throw her knife at me, but thankfully I missed it in time. But now my hair was cut short.

No time to complain about that my opponent was in front of me., charging at me with not one but four knives in her hand

Toga: let's see you charge this one , try not to get hit.

" oh I won't "

she threw them all at once. Little did she know I already had something prepared.

I throw two shields in her path blocking the knives making them go separate ways.

Toga: what the where -?

"No need to worry about that. Worry what's behind you "

Once she turned her head and her focus wasn't on me I quickly through another shield . Hitting her right in the back of the head.

She was knocked out cold

" how gullible can you be.  I thought members of the L. O. V . Where supposed to be smart and dangerous . Obviously they misjudged you when they picked you.  C' mon let's take you back

I carried her unconscious body with me all the way to the car. I body checked her to make she she wasn't carrying anymore weapons with her. I then taped her mouth shut , tied her and drove off with her to the police station.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Have an amazing . Summer stay safe. God bless y'all ❣️❣️❣️

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