Ch.11 MEMORY......

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                                                 BAKUGO's  POV.

  JOSHUA: Now, I don't know if u remember how to play but I'm just gonna explain.
Imma place a deck of cards down on the table all flipped over to the back. Obviously, no one can look at cards. I pick one , and I have to try to find a matching pair. the person who has the most matching pairs win. But this time I'm gonna use two decks got it.

BAKUGO: didn't need a refresher, yeah. May the best one win

JOSHUA:" Oh no need to wish me luck, I'll surly win," , he said as a sinister smile grew on his face.

BAKUGO: we'll see about that.

Joshua started first. He picked up a five of hearts . then stopped to scan the deck of cards plastered on the table. He then swiftly moved his hands to the card across from him to the right. And it was the same card. He kept going, each time finding more pairs, slowly winning the game. His hands dance across the table like he knew them by heart. Finally he stopped once he got an unmatched card

JOSHUA: opps, seems like I've messed up. Well now it's your turn

I  glared at him before I turned my head to the table below me. I Moved my hand to the top right corner and saw that it was a six of spades. Now I just have to find the matching pair. I hesitantly moved my hand the the card six cards across from it. Slowly I picked it up and saw that it matched. I felt relived. Before I picked up another I stared at the cards below me.Then I noticed something strange within the cards.I picked up a five then another, a six then another. Then I knew it. I kept going on until I messed up. On purpose that is. We were close 35 to 33. He was two points a head

JOSHUA:  well it's my turn , mabey I'll win the  whole game this time.

I said nothing in response and kept quiet. He picked up a king and got another one, a jack and got another one, he went on and on and on. Until he stop. I looked up to see a big smile plastered on that bitchy face of his. Then he started  laughing.

JOSHUA: well seems like I've won, isn't that right bakugo, and you didn't even go a second time how sad. Now time for me to get my prize.

He looked at Ciara. I could tell she felt uncomfortable. But I wasn't just gonna do one match.

BAKUGO: Joshua, I wanna do one more round if that's ok with you

JOSHUA: Well that doesn't sound too bad, The more I win the more prizes I get.

BAKUGO: what's your price this this time

JOSHUA:  10,000,000 yen, nothing less

BAKUGO: Got it , and from you 100 million yen

JOSHUA: Ok then let's begin,  this time  a new deck.

He plastered the cards on the surface of the table. This time I would start the match, and end it too.


last match we were close, but I ended up winning. Now we're starting new decks. Just like last time , these cards, I costomized them myself. Within the face down cards , I can tell where 54 of them are. There is a little shape within the card patterns cards which slightly glows. When I pick up on of the 54 cards , it's matching slightly glows in response, but quickly disappears , which means you have to have a quick eye. But the shape blends in with the pattern of the cards, and they're all identical to each other, and since there are bright lights beaming down on us , it will be harder to tell which card belongs with which. Well at least for bakugo that is.

Bakugo picked up a king of diamonds , and he found its matching pair. Last game we were close, and he seemed to have good instincts. Then he picked up a six of clubs, and found its matching pair. Seven of diamonds he found the matching pair. He kept going and going . His hands moved with ease and such grace. Last game he hesitated when picking up the cards, but this time it's like he knows where the pairs are located. The more he flips the less of a chance I have of winning the game and having to pay him the giant stash of money. I live off of my friend's wealth . He owns a Casino in Las Vegas, Washington, and even some in Japan. He is the one who customized these cards. 100,000,000 Is almost half of his business . I can't afford to loose. "As soon as he messes up I'll go" , I thought " As soon as he messes up, C'MON JUST MESS UP SO I CAN GO,"

BAKUGO: so your friend owns some Casinos, like the big one in Tokyo. Isn't that right. Heard u won lots of money there, but that you went off and spent that money on drugs and alcohol, right. Also heard he designs cards . Mantissa is one of them, and his best selling, used in almost every casino around the world .

I just looked at him with a fear, I couldn't say anything thing. Did he figure it out. Or is he just saying all of these
Stuff to make me bluff. God, I don't know.

BAKUGO: Next time, don't bet on half of your friend's company, since he did customize these for you.

He just kept flipping and flipping, I'm pretty sure he was close to fifty. My face was dripping with sweat. Not knowing what's gonna happen next. Suddenly I felt someone hair touching me . I turned around and it was that girl I betted on

Ciara: "oh would u look at that fifty four matching pairs, and you didn't even get to go once how sad", she said

BAKUGO: oh yeah, Ciara's right. I did win. Isn't that right. Got to admit that was a clever plan u got ther, but if u were a bit more careful I would've lost.

JOSHUA: but how could u have I-

BAKUGO: the marks on the back were the same as last time. On the first round I lost on purpose. Just so I could make sure I was right and, I knew u would want to raise the stakes. Each one had a mark that corresponded with the one that was picked it. It slightly glowed, and it was hard to tell since there are giant chandlers emitting bright light above us.

He walked behind me and leaned down. His mouth was right next to my ear I could feel it.

BAKUGO: Times up , now give give me the money. And your not in any position to deny

Joshua: Look man I don't have the money right now , what will happen if I don't give u it now

I felt something touch my head. Moved my eyes and saw it was a gun

JOSHUA: please don't kill me I'll give u it just give me enough time. Please

Tears where building up in my eye, for the fear of not knowing what's gonna happen next . Then I blacked out

An hour later...............

I slightly open my eyes then shut it again. I blink a few times, then fully open them. I see Bakugo sitting down in a chair with a gun swinging around his finger. Suddenly, I felt some breath right next to my ear.

CIARA: Good morning, , seems like you've awaken from your nap , how was it.

Her breath was cold, it made me jolt a little

CIARA: Don't move too much or else your gonna get burned , got it.

I looked down to see that I was strapped to a metal chair with rope wires around my legs and arms. I looked up at bakugo , he had a gun in his hand also a remote. I gave him a confused look. Abruptly, I felt heat coarse through my skin. It got hotter and hotter until it burned a little party of my arm

JOSHUA: Fuck! , the hell is this.

BAKUGO: Good, looks like it works . Now u got two options my way or Ciaras ways. Your choice.

Thank u for 100 views. This chapters was particularly inspired by kakeguri, if u couldn't tell. byeee.

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