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Bakugo: why aren't you telling me. You know you can trust me

" I know I can but I just can't tell you. At least not now. Please understand."

Bakugo: sure.

" hey Robbie I don't mean to rush you gonna do this."

Robbie: I said I need to find the right time.

" but what if there's never the right time and you've been waiting for nothing..

" true but I'm not doing now. I'm sorry."

After that, the waiter brought around some food in a cart.I took the shrimp Alfredo . Izuku took the chicken Alfredo. Katsuki took the Philly cheese steak. And Robbie took chicken tenders with fries.

Izuku: wow this food looks delicious !

Robbie: yeah they orders special catering for this dinner.

Izuku: oooh fancy.

The food in front of me looked amazing , I was so glad that I could finally eat. But as I was about to eat. Freddie stood up again but his time we went to the front of the room Where there was open space. Then He rang his glass full of wine , initiating that he was going to talk again

Freddie: as you you all are eating we will be discussing our plan to kill Bakugo and. Ciara. But first I I want to invite my darling Skylar to the front with me.

As soon as he said he said that, all eyes were on me. I stood up, and as I did everyone started clapping and I made my way to the front where I stood beside him .

" hi everyone hope your having a wonderful evening ."

Freddie: so Skylar you have any ideas on how we should discard of them

" well I Ian glad you asked cause I already thought of it."

Freddie: Really , then take it away

" I suggest that we attack them around night time so they won't see it coming but before we do that, when the are at school, we someone scale the outside of the dorm room to find the windows that connect to their room and we mark them. then at night time, when everyone is sleeping, we shoot them. then quickly leave before anyone sees. And before you ask which room is which, Ciara has plants on her windowsill and many others that you can see from her window. And bakugo has a drum set that you can see from his window too."

Freddy: wow amazing plan! Very well thought of. And very useable.I will have to discuss it with the leaders first before initiating the plan. But that was amazing. Everyone give a round of applause to Ms. Skylar Arabella.

Everyone in the crowd stood up and cheered me on. I was about to leave to my table. He grabbed my arm, rather roughly, and pulled me towards him.

Freddie : how about a pre party kiss

" a pre what?"

Then before I could process what he said , he put his lips on mine . It was t passionate, it wasn't sweet . It was  ugly and rough I tried to push him off but his grip on my wrist got tighter to the point where it started to hurt.

Freddie: don't be like that. I know you like it.

" uhh excuse me imma head to the bathroom."

And when I turned to look at the crowd
Both Izuku and katsuki had a look of disgust in their faces.

I opened the door and turned on the lights. And went straight to the mirror. I looked at my rust , he some black marks marks on it from twisting it and digging his nails into me.
   Then I heard the door creak open. I though it was Freddie do I tried to hide. In one of the stalls

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