Chapter [10]

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"Tell me something, Clay. Don't you think that a breeding program will be good for Clearwater Marine Aquarium?"


"But it will be good for CMA. Come on, Clay, we have enough money to fund a breeding program, so why don't we? It would be a good idea, don't you think?"


"Think about Winter, swimming all alone in her pool. Don't you think she's bored?"

"I told you, Phil. No. Winter has Hope---"

"Yes, but for how long? When Hope is mated with Bondi, who would keep her company?"

"Sawyer, CMA staff, me, if I have to. And I have told you on numerous occasions that there will be no breeding program implemented at CMA."

"Sawyer won't be around forever, Clay. That boy does have a life outside the aquarium, and both you and I know it. So who better to keep her company other than Nicholas?"


"Why not, Clay? Tell me why not?"

"Because Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a hospital for sick and injured animals, and most of them are returned to the wild. There is a reason why some animals can't be released, and it means that they probably require ongoing treatment. We aren't some sort of zoo, Phil, where people come and goggle at the animals; no, we're more than that. Behind the scenes, we go about rescuing, rehabbing, and releasing animals that come to us. We treat them to the best of our ability, and make sure that the animals that can be released, are released. The public come to see Winter because she is an inspiration. If the public wanted to see a random dolphin, they could have gone to any other aquarium. But they come to Clearwater because they feel deeply inspired by her."

"And a breeding program would make more people from all over the world come and see Winter."

Clay opened his mouth, then shut it. He sighed. "The answer is no, Phil, and don't try to make me change my mind. If you don't like my decision, stop funding my whole project. There will not be a breeding program introduced at Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

Phil Hordern sighed. "Very well, then. Just keep in mind that there are other ways."


Sawyer lay in bed, contemplating his life and the things that had happened in the past few weeks. The fact that Colton had tried to drown him for the most absurd reasons still haunted him. The fact that Colton had threatened him still unsettled him. The fact that Colton Hordern even existed unnerved him. In fact, Sawyer hated everything about Colton, and he was left wondering why the evil excuse of a teenage boy wouldn't just cease to exist.

The door to his bedroom opened slightly, letting in the tiniest sliver of light.

Sawyer froze, staring anxiously at the door.


Sawyer breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah?"

The door was pushed open, and Sawyer's mother leaned against the door frame, dressed in a dressing gown. "Couldn't sleep, honey?"

Sawyer nodded. "Yeah. What are you doing here, Mom?"

She shrugged. "I just wanted to make sure that everything's all right. You've been acting really strangely ever since your ordeal---though I don't blame you---and I'm worried."

Sawyer sighed and pulled the covers up to his chin. "I'm fine, Mom. Honestly."

"Honey, I think you should go and see a psychologist---"

"I'm fine, Mom. Everyone's going to think I'm mental if I told them I have to see a psychologist. They're just going to become more worried. And the news reporters will have a field day when the news gets out. Please, Mom. Please believe that I'm okay."

"Sorry, honey. It's for the best. Your appointment is tomorrow morning with Dr. Milton. I've taken a day off work to accompany you. Remember, Sawyer, that it's all for the best. Sometimes it's better to talk about things rather than keep them hidden within. Good night."

Sawyer opened his mouth to speak but the door had already closed, shrouding him in darkness.


"Good morning, Sawyer. I am Dr. Stephanie Milton. So, what brings you here today?"

Sawyer blinked. "My mother brought me here today, though I don't think I need to be here."

"Sawyer, you can tell me anything. Anything, and everything, you say within these walls," Dr. Milton gestured around the room, "will stay within these walls. Your confidentiality is very important to us, Sawyer; everyone's is. So, what brings you here?"

"My mother brought me here," Sawyer said bluntly.

Dr. Milton sighed. "Dolphins are very smart, aren't they? I heard about your bond with Winter, and I find it very touching; quite frankly, it's amazing. And what you did for her is heart-warming. She's one lucky dolphin to have you, Sawyer."

Sawyer looked taken aback. "Oh. Yes, dolphins are very smart; it's amazing what they can do Thank you, Dr. Milton. I'm lucky to have Winter, too."

Dr. Milton smiled. "You can call me Stephanie, Sawyer. And what about Hazel; is she in your life, too?"

Sawyer nodded. "Yes, Hazel is my best---human---friend."

"I meant, is she in your love life?"

Sawyer frowned. "No."

"So why are you here, then? Your life seems so happy and content. You don't have any troubles with your love life, or the dolphins. You're free to go, then."

Sawyer blinked. "I am?"

Dr. Milton smiled. "Of course. If nothing is troubling you, at least, or if there's nothing else you wish to say. It was nice to finally get to meet you, Sawyer. Really nice."

Sawyer took a deep breath. "Actually, there's something preying on my mind."

"What is that?"

"I'm sure you heard about my---" Sawyer sighed.

"Look. I understand that this is difficult, but I am here to support and help you in any way I can. Yes, I did hear about your accident, Sawyer, and I am glad that you're still with us."

"Thank you. It wasn't an accident."

Dr. Milton's mouth dropped open, but she recovered her composure quickly. "Pardon?"

Sawyer shook his head. "I will not say it again."

"In order to get some weight off your shoulders, you should. It will be fine, Sawyer."

Sawyer gritted his teeth. "It wasn't an accident. That night, someone tried to..."

Dr. Milton cursed as the door opened.

"Dr. Milton? I'm afraid you're required to examine someone. Mr. Nelson will have to come back another time."

Dr. Milton gave her secretary a fiery glare. "A few more minutes, please," she said sharply.

The secretary shook her head. "Sorry, they need you now. Mr. Nelson, your mother awaits you in the waiting room."

Dr. Stephanie Milton sighed. "Sorry, Sawyer."

Sawyer shrugged and tried to smile, though it felt more like a grimace. "It's fine. My problem's probably not as serious as their problem. See you, Dr. Milton." Sawyer walked out.

"Who is this patient?"

"Male adolescent, sixteen years of age. We're assuming he works at Clearwater Marine Aquarium because of his shirt."

Sawyer froze in his tracks. There was only one other boy who matched that vague description other than himself.


Sawyer's heart sank as the secretary confirmed his suspicions.

"Colton Hordern."

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