Chapter [19]

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"Guilty of all charges."

A collective sigh made its way around the courtroom. Colton hung his head and Phil Hordern looked around desperately. Hazel squeezed Sawyer's hand in relief.

The Judge brought his hammer down onto his desk. "Guilty of all charges. Minimum prison sentence of---"

The spokesperson of the jury cleared her throat. She glanced around the courtroom, her eyes falling on Dr. Clay.

"As the jury, we believe that a breeding program at CMA will not be of any harm, especially if Phillip J. Hordern will be funding it. Therefore, we give Clearwater Marine Aquarium one week to implement a breeding program. If you fail to do so, the consequences could range from having all animals transferred, to closing down Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

Sawyer and Hazel looked at each other, aghast.


Dr. Clay looked imploringly at the Judge. "Please, you can't let them do this. Where's the evidence?"

The jury spokesperson looked at Dr. Clay, devoid of all emotion.

"One week, Dr. C. Haskett. That is our final word."

Silence swamped the courtroom. It was so silent, that a piece of paper hitting the ground could be heard.

The Judge banged his hammer on the desk again. "One week, Dr. C. Haskett. One week."

Phoebe, Dr. Clay, Sawyer and Hazel all exchanged looks of helplessness. All of them knew that nothing they said or did---nothing---could overrun the Judge's final word. After all, his word was law.


"What are we going to do?" Hazel asked, her head in her hands.

"What I want to know," Dr. Clay said levelly, "is why you never told anyone about what Colton did to you, Sawyer?"

Sawyer sighed. He knew that beneath Dr. Clay's composure was a dormant volcano, threatening to erupt at any minute.

"Because talking about it made it feel like it was actually happening all over again. I just wasn't ready to tell anyone."

"But you told Hazel, and your psychologist. Why couldn't you tell us?"

Sawyer shrugged. "I just wasn't comfortable, okay?"

"And he was in our house!"

"Mom, it's fine."

Sawyer's mother hugged him tightly. "At least you're okay, honey, and that's all that matters."

Everyone but Sawyer nodded.

"But whar about the aquarium? What are you going to do?"

Dr. Clay sighed heavily. "There's not much we can do, actually. We have already decided against a breeding program, so all we can do is wait."

"So you're just going to wait for the moment they either transfer all the animals, or close Clearwater Marine Aquarium for good?" Sawyer gaped at Dr. Clay in shock. "After all you did to get yourself here, you're just going to let all of that hardwork and commitment fall away? After everything that has happened, you're just going to give up? I'm ready to fight for Clearwater Marine Aquarium, even if it means I'm going against the law. CMA is my second home, and I just can't sit and watch as it disintegrates. I can't be a bystander to something that is threatening to destroy all our hardwork. I will fight for CMA, even at the expense of my popularity. I will do it, even if it means I have to work against you."

Hazel grabbed Sawyer's hand. "I'll be right beside you."

Dr. Clay sighed. "I don't know, guys..."

"Remember last time, Dr. Clay," Sawyer said. "Save Winter Day, remember? That was a huge success, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but that wasn't as big a deal as this! A fundraiser won't be able to help us in any way. I'm sorry, guys, but nothing is going to work." Dr. Clay sighed before turning and leaving the office.

Sawyer turned to face Phoebe. "What do you think?"

Phoebe shrugged. "I'm sitting on the fence. I agree with you, Saywer. I really want to fight. But I also agree with Clay. Nothing we attempt is going to work. We're up against the law, here, not a business. I'll have to think about it." She smiled sadly before walking out of the office.


Sawyer's mother shook her head sadly. "Sorry, guys, but I don't have any ideas for you. But I'll let you know if I come up with any, okay?"

Sawyer nodded. "Thanks, Mom."

She hugged both Sawyer and Hazel briefly before vanishing. Sawyer turned to Hazel. 

"What are we going to do?"

Hazel shrugged. "In all honesty, I have no idea. We're just going to have to use our brains and imagination to come with some sort of plan. Then, we're going to have to put it into action."

"But Dr. Clay won't be here to help us, and I have a feeling that neither will Phoebe. I can't really think of anyone else. It's going to be difficult if it's only the two of us organising the whole thing."

Hazel shrugged. "We're us. We can do this."

"We have one week," Sawyer reminded her, raising an eyebrow. "It would be a miracle to come up with an idea within a week."

"We can do it, Sawyer. I believe in us."


There was a knock on the door.

"May I come in?"

Sawyer lifted his head off the desk and looked around the room blearily. Hazel was asleep on the bed, having fallen asleep halfway through brainstorming ideas. 

"Come in."

Sawyer's mother came in. She took one glance at Sawyer and shook her head. "Sawyer, you're over-exhausting yourself..."

Sawyer put a finger to his lips. "Mom, Hazel's sleeping."

"Oh." Sawyer's mom looked between Hazel and Sawyer, her forehead creased. "Let's go into the kitchen, shall we?"

Sawyer nodded, yawning. "Yeah, okay. Let's leave Hazel in peace." He took one last look at Hazel's peacefully sleeping figure, before following his mother out into the hall and closing the door quietly behind him.


Hazel opened her eyes, blinking against the bright sunlight streaming through the window. She glanced at the end of the bed and saw Sawyer sitting there, staring aimlessly at the wall.

"Morning, Sawyer."

Sawyer turned around, startled. "Oh. Morning, Hazel. Did you sleep well?"

Hazel smiled shrewdly. "Considering everything that has happened yesterday... No, not really."

Sawyer nodded. "Me neither."

"Did you sleep at all? You look terrible."

"Yeah, I slept," Sawyer assured her. "Anyway, I thought of an idea... But I think it's a stupid idea, and there's a 99-percent chance that it won't work."

"One-percent change means that there's still a chance, Sawyer. And any idea right now is a good one. So, what's this idea of yours?"

Sawyer looked at the floor. He sighed, before looking back at Hazel. "Well, I was thinking... This really is a stupid idea."

Hazel smiled. "Come on, Sawyer. Any idea of yours isn't stupid."

"I was thinking of a Save CMA Day."

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