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To watch the sun as it sets is such an amazing thing. The way the giant ball of light and heat seems to sink below the horizon and out of sight. The way the gradients in the sky change color, from a warm, rosy pink, to a deep, romantic purple. The way that shadows fall upon the ground as the light fades.

Four silhouettes watched as the sun set, their arms wrapped around each other in a symbol of unity. Each of them stared into the distance, wondering what was going to happen in the future. Their eyes were glazed over with memories, so many good memories that they'd treasure forever.

There was a silhouette of something else. Something that could potentially cause Hazel and Sawyer to drift apart. The silhouette of a boat. The boat that had once taken Dr. Clay around the world. The boat that was about to take Hazel, her father and grandfather on a trip around the world.

Hazel and Sawyer grasped each other's hands, reminiscing everything that had happened to the both of them. They stood there, engrossed in their own thoughts. They stood there, thinking about each other and the many things they had done together. They thought about the time they had first met, right up to that this very moment where they stood together.

Where they stood together for what could possibly be the very last time.


Hazel stood on the deck of the boat, watching as flocks of birds flew around the dock. She stood on the deck, watching as the sun lifted it's weary head over the horizon, her hair blowing gently in the light breeze.


Hazel turned to face her father. "Yes?"

"Come on, I've arranged a meeting with Phoebe, Kat, and Sawyer. They're waiting for us in my office."

Hazel sighed and followed her father back to to Clearwater Marine Aquarium. She paused when they reached the office door. After a while, Hazel pushed it open and stepped inside.

Phoebe and Kat looked up and smiled at Hazel and Dr. Clay as they came into the room. Sawyer looked away, avoiding all eye contact with Hazel. 

Hazel sat down next to Sawyer and held his hand in hers. She squeezed it before turning to face her father.

"Right. I brought you all here today because, as you all know, my father Reed, Hazel, and I are going on an around the world sailing trip. In the months that we're not here, we're going to need some responsible people in charge. Well, I did some thinking last night and thought that you three were the best for the job. You get along well with everyone else, are responsible, and have a great work ethic. I'm not saying that everyone is irresponsible or whatever, you three just stood out to me."

Phoebe and Kat exchanged an astonished look. Sawyer, however, just gazed intently at the wall.

"Thanks, Clay. We will do all in our power to keep Clearwater Marine Aquarium up and running while you're gone." Phoebe smiled at Dr. Clay.

Kat sighed. "I guess this is goodbye, then?"

Dr. Clay nodded. "Yes, it is."

Phoebe stood and shook Dr. Clay's hand. "Have a fun, safe trip Clay. And you too, Hazel." She let go of Dr. Clay's hand and turned to hug Hazel.

Kat shook hands with Dr. Clay and patted Hazel's shoulder. "Have a safe trip, guys. I hope you enjoy yourselves. See you when you get back."

"Thanks, Phoebe, Kat," Dr. Clay said, smiling.

Hazel nods. "Thanks, guys."

Phoebe and Kat walked out of the office.


Sawyer looked up at Dr. Clay. "I'll go with you to the dock."

Hazel stood, followed by Sawyer, and they fell into step behind Dr. Clay. The journey back to the boat seemed to take forever, and it didn't help that the atmosphere was awkwardly silent. Lorraine was waiting by the boat, talking to Reed, but when she caught sight of Clay she ran up to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Sawyer caught hold of Hazel's arm and pulled her onto the end of the dock. He glanced into her eyes, attempting to decipher her thoughts and emotions.

"I'll miss you," Hazel said, breaking the iceberg between them. "I really will."

Sawyer sighed. "Me too. Things aren't going to be the same without you, Hazel. Everything is going to be so different. I'll really miss you."

"I guess this is it."

Sawyer nodded. "Stay safe, Hazel, and have a great time." He pulled her in close and they shared a long and passionate kiss. 

Lorraine and Dr. Clay watched their exchange from a distance. Lorraine turned to face Dr. Clay.

"Bye, Clay. Have a safe journey. I'll miss you."

Dr. Clay nodded. "Goodbye, Lorraine. I'll see you when I get back." He walked off towards Hazel and Sawyer.

Hazel pulled away from Sawyer reluctantly when she saw her father walking towards them and sighed. "I'll really miss you. Take care of the animals. Don't stress over things. You'll be fine."

Sawyer nodded, biting his lip. "Goodbye, Hazel."

Dr. Clay clapped his daughter on the shoulder and lead her onto her boat. Reed Haskett was already at the wheel, waving goodbye.

Sawyer watched as the boat pulled away from the dock. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see his mother. Together, they watched as Hazel ran to the part of the boat closest to them.

"Bye, Sawyer. I'm really going to miss you." Hazel waved at Sawyer.

Sawyer smiled and waved at back. He had to admire how good she looked with her hair blowing in the breeze, and a wide grin on her face. "Bye, Hazel. I'm going to miss you, too."

They say that the hardest thing to do is to say goodbye. And it's true. Goodbye is probably even harder to say than I love you.

But really, when you think about it carefully, goodbye is just another way of saying I love you.

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