Chapter [13]

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"Where's Hazel?"

"Have you seen Hazel?"

"Do you know where Hazel is?"

Dr. Clay ran across to the main pool, interrogating everyone about the possible whereabouts of his daughter. He paused at the edge of the pool.


Sawyer, who was in the pool, started, startling Winter as well.

"It's all right, girl. Everything's okay." He ran a soothing hand down Winter's body. "Atta girl."

"Sawyer, have you seen Hazel?"

Sawyer shook his head. "No, sorry. Why?"

"Our presentation begins in ten minutes. She's usually doing a last equiptment check, but I can't seem to find her."

Sawyer frowned. "Maybe she's showing some visitors around. There's no need to worry, Dr. Clay, I'm sure Hazel will turn up. There are ten minutes before we begin, anyway."

"Eight, actually," Dr. Clay said, unusually tense. "Well, let me know if you see her."

Sawyer nodded. "Sure."

Ten minutes passed and Hazel was nowhere to be seen. A large crowd had gathered, yet the presentation couldn't start without Hazel.

"Have you seen Hazel, Sawyer?"

Sawyer shook his head. "Sorry, Phoebe."

"Clay, have you seen Hazel?"

Dr. Clay came running up to Phoebe. "No. I was hoping you had. We may have to cancel this presentation."


Winter started at the sudden yell and Sawyer calmed her down, staring as Colton came rushing up to the main pool.

By now, their commotion had attracted the attention of the audience.

"Where have you been?"

Colton ignored Sawyer. He looked at Dr. Clay. "How about I host the presentation?"

Sawyer shook his head frantically, but it appeared to have gone unnoticed.

Dr. Clay sighed. "Okay. Just this once. Do you have the equiptment?"

Sawyer frowned as Colton nodded.

Phoebe nodded to Colton. "Go on, then. You know what the procedure is. Just don't forget to apologise for running behind schedule."

Colton nodded and turned to face the audience.

"Good morning. Before we begin, I'd like to apologise on behalf of Clearwater Marine Aquarium for the delay. One of our staff members is missing, so if any of you see Hazel Haskett, please let a CMA staff member know. Thank you." Colton smiled at the audience. "I also have a question for you, and I wish for you to answer it correctly. Raise your hand if you believe that Clearwater Marine Park should invest in a breeding program for the dolphins?"

Sawyer locked eyes with Colton, who smirked. Dr. Clay sighed audibly and ran a hand through his hair. Phoebe was glaring at Colton, silently warning him to stop.

They all watched as more than half of the audience's hands raised, some more hesitant than others.

"It would be great for all of us, don't you think?"

Sawyer glared at Colton. "Stop it," he hissed menacingly.

Colton smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. He held the microphone away from his face. "Or what?"

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