Chapter [21]

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"Please welcome Dr. Lydia Armitidge to the stage."

The crowd clapped and cheered as Dr. Lydia Armitidge walked onto the stage.

"Dr. Armitidge is from the University of Florida and has a degree in Marine Biology. She is here to talk about her opinion of a breeding program at Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

Dr. Armitidge smiled and stepped up to the microphone. "Thanks, Hazel. Hi guys, are you excited to be here? I know I am. As Hazel said, I have a Marine Biology degree. So, my opinion on a breeding program at Clearwater Marine Aquarium? Personally, the whole subject of breeding delights me, especially if it's got something to do with dolphins. Breeding in captivity, however, is something that I am strongly against."

"Why are you so against breeding in captivity?" Hazel asked.

"Animals don't have much freedom in captivity," Dr. Lydia Armitidge said, "though the Clearwater Marine Aquarium team are doing a fine job at making the enclosures feel less jail-like. Animals that are born in the wild immediately adapt to their natural surroundings---their natural habitat. The parents of the young, who were also born and raised in the wild, are able to teach them how to hunt, avoid predators, and how to survive in general. In captivity, animals quickly become accustomed to a routine. They have specific times for eating, training, and medical check-ups. In the wild, there is no set time for eating. There is no training and no medical check-ups available from veternarians. In captivity, they get used to the fact that everything is brought to them, instead of them having to go and hunt for their own food. If these animals were ever to be released, they would stand a very low chance of survival. Most of the cases I've seen are animals starving to death after being released from captivity because they don't know how to hunt. Of course, there are success stories. I believe that Clearwater Marine Aquarium successfully released a female bottlenose into the wild, "Mandy", along with some turtles. For that, I commend Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

Everyone clapped before falling silent again, anticipating what Dr. Lydia Armitidge was about to say.

"Breeding in captivity is not a wise idea. Animals that are kept in captivity can lose their parenting ability. But the most concerning bit of all is that animals kept in captivity often forget how to survive in the wild, meaning that they can't pass theri knowledge onto their young. This means that the young won't be able to survive, which makes them inelegible for release. Do we really want generation after generation of animals that are not able to ever be released into the wild? Do we really want them to be kept in captivity for their whole lives? I know that some animals born in captivity have been released into the wild, and I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, but the survival rate is quite low. Just think about it. Do we really need a breeding program at Clearwater Marine Aquarium? My opinion is no."

The crowd went silent, pondering the questions that had been asked.

"Thank you, Dr. Armitidge, that was very well said, and thank you for coming to Save CMA Day." Hazel smiled as Dr. Armitidge left the stage, the crowd clapping and cheering as she left.

Hazel sighed and turned to face the crowd, scanning the faces for a sign of Sawyer. "Well, it's now five, and the closing ceremony will begin, shortly. I'd just like to say, that no matter what the Judge's verdict is, thank you for being here and supporting us on our journey. It is quite overwhelming, the amount of support we receive during events like these. Without you, we wouldn't be here today. So, thank you."

The crowd went crazy; clapping, cheering and whistling.


Hazel jumped in fright and turned around to face Sawyer. "You gave me a fright, Sawyer."

Sawyer laughed. "I know. This is it, isn't it? The moment we've all been waiting for."

Hazel nodded solemnly. "It is, Sawyer, it really is. Cross your fingers, okay?"

Sawyer nodded. He turned to face the audience which fell silent, the sudden stillness seeming unnatural.

"Thank you. I'd like to welcome Judge Harton to the stage to deliver his final verdict."

There was no clapping as the Judge made his way onto the stage. There was only silence that pressed against the nerves of the people, anticipating the verdict. This was a silence that everyone hated.

"Good evening. Before I say anything else, I'd just like to say that Hazel and Sawyer did a great job of putting Save CMA Day together in the small time frame of a week. For that, I congratulate them. I'd also like to invite all of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium staff and volunteers to the stage so we can commend them for all their hardwork."

Dr. Clay, Phoebe, Kat, and all the other Clearwater Marine Aquarium staff members and volunteers made their way onto the stage, all looking tense and worried. They formed a line behind Hazel, Sawyer, and Judge Harton and stood there unsmiling.

"Does anyone have anything to say?"

Dr. Clay stepped forward and took the microphone from the Judge. "I'd just like to say a massive thank you to everyone for their overwhelming waves of support. I'd also like to thank my daughter Hazel, and Sawyer for their fantastic efforts in order to make this day possible. No matter what happens, I will always be grateful." He handed the microphone back to the Judge before stepping backwards.

The Judge cleared his throat. "Right, my verdict. Over the past week, I have contemplating my answer, and wondering what ingenious ideas you could come up with to avoid the closure of this aquarium and the inhabitants. I have to say that I'm impressed. During the day, I've been thinking about the answer I'm going to give you, and the best way to say it. I can up with nothing. So, I spent the day wandering around and asking people questions. The answers I received were varied, but most of them seemed to point in one direction. So I have made my final decision."

Hazel and Sawyer gripped each other's hands. Dr. Clay caught Lorraine Nelson's eyes before closing them, holding his breath.

"My final decision, is---"

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