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**Hazel's POV**

There's this one person I can never seem to get out of my mind, even now, as I sit here writing on the not-so-tranquil seas. He's so special, and he always seems to creep into my mind, no matter what I'm doing, or what mood I'm in.

That special person, is you.

Dear Sawyer,

Every word you see right now comes directly from my heart. This pen is directly linked to my heart and soul, and the ink is like my blood, spilling out onto this page as I write.

Everyone has regrets. You have regrets, your mother has regrets, my father has regrets. I have regrets, too. Why did I listen to you? I regret my choice and I wish I had just stayed at home so that I could be with you. But I guess I am also thankful for persuading me to embark on this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime journey. It has been amazing, so far, and only two days have passed.

To see the sea in its true form is amazing and, quite frankly, extremely worthwhile. I went diving yesterday, and though the water was freezing cold, the sight beyond the glistening surface is, for one of a better word, breathtaking. It's just... there's no word that can describe everything I saw and do it justice.

I wish you were here to experience this with me. I wish you were here to see the dolphins swimming and leaping so freely. I wish you were here to see the sunset and sunrise with me.

I just wish that you were here with me.

It has only been two days, but to me, it seems like two centuries, and I already missed you. I actually missed you when we said our final goodbyes. I miss you so much, Sawyer. I miss you oh so much.

To me, days are just numbers. I just hope that I don't have to spend a lot of numbers away from you, Sawyer. I want to spend as many as I can, with you. So I'll be counting. I'll be counting until we see each other again. Then I'll double that number and spend that amount of time with you.


Because I can honestly say that I love you.

You are the reason behind who I am, today. You changed me, and opened my eyes to the real world. You taught me important lessons; the keys to life. I am me, because of you.

We are quite alike, which makes us unique. As the scientific theory states: opposites attract, the same repel. I like to think we're different from everyone else---not sheep, but horses, or dolphins. I like to think that we stand out from the crowd, and we do. We are so similar, and yet we attract.

I have said this before, but I will say it again. I love you. Those are the three little words that I have said countless times before, and I will continue to say. I'll say it over and over again because I want it to sink in. I want it to sink into the bottom of your heart. I want to to know that I love you without having to say it.

I love you so much, Sawyer, and nothing can ever change that. I love with all my heart. I love you so, so, so much.

Each day, we may be drifting further and further apart, but I feel that our connection is getting stronger as we yearn for each other. I feel it's getting stronger because we just don't want to let go; we just don't want to let our connection face away into nothingness. We want to keep our connection.

One door may have closed, Sawyer, but many other doors are out there, waiting to be opened. How our relationship ends up depends on which door you choose to open; which door you choose to step through. Every story begins with an open door and ends with a brick wall, but I ours just keeps going. There are doors to be opened, windows to be peered through, and floors to be walked on. There are things we have to to, things we have to see, and things we have to learn. Most stories end with a brick wall, but ours doesn't.

Ours ends with an open door because the story isn't really over; not yet, at least. There's so much more to do, so much more to be discovered, and so much more love to be shared.

As they say, "Love is an open door."

I love you, Sawyer. I love you so much.


The ink from my pen may have been running out, but my love for Sawyer would never die. Never. I wouldn't let it die.

"What are you writing?"

I looked up into my father's smiling face. "A letter to Sawyer. I have no idea how I'm going to give it to him, though. I would do the whole 'message a bottle' thing, but that could potentially harm the sea creatures. So, I'm at a loss as to how to give it to him."

My fahter sat down beside Hazel. "Maybe you don't need to give it to him, Hazel."

I frowned. "What do you mean? I wrote this letter with the purpose of giving it to him. Why don't I need to give it him?"

My father smiled. "You don't need to give it to him because he already knows, Hazel."

"He already knows what?"

"If Sawyer truly loved you, Hazel, he would already know how much you love him. If he truly loved you, there'd be no need for you to tell him anything. He'd already know."

I smiled. "That's true. What do I do with this letter, then?"

My father shrugged. "Do whatever you want with it. Keep it until we get back and give it to Sawyer. Do anything."

I bit my lip. "I think I'll stick it on the wall where I can see it everyday. That way, I can remember my commitment."

"If you really loved him, there would be no need for a commitment. It would all come naturally."

"Well, I'll just stick it on the wall and remember why I wrote it."

"And why is that?"

I shrugged. "There's this one person I can never seem to get out of my mind, even now, as I sit here talking to you. He's so special, and he always seems to creep into my mind, no matter what I'm doing, or what mood I'm in. Writing this letter for him was worth it, because he is worth it."

"And who is that special person?"

I smiled. "That special person is Sawyer Nelson."

"And you love him?"

I turned to stare out of the window, at the bright blue, cloudless skies, the birds circling the seas. At the sun making the sea sparkle and shine. At the world passing by. I smiled.

"What do you think?"

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