Chapter [22]

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"Yes. I will let you keep Clearwater Marine Aquarium and all of your animals. There is no need for a breeding program here."

Time seemed to stand still, as did everyone's hearts. Then, as though someone had flicked a switch, the tsunami of relief and shock crashed over the crowd, finally bringing everyone to their senses. Everyone jumped up and down, clapped, cheered, cried, and hugged each other.

Sawyer and Hazel smiled at each other in relief, before hugging. Hazel broke apart from the embrace and ran a hand through her windswept hair, staring at the slowly sinking sun casting gradients of happiness across the scene. She wiped a few stray tears off her face before pulling Sawyer into another hug. To them, the hugs were more than just a symbol of relief and victory. They were a symbol of love and compassion.

Dr. Clay stood stock-still, his face frozen in an expression of shock and relief. Then his muscles relaxed and he drew in a deep breath. Phoebe was smiling at him in triumph.

They had done it.

Well, Sawyer and Hazel had done it.

Dr. Clay ran over to the two teenagers and enveloped them in a suffocating hug. Phoebe joined them a while later, along with Kat and other CMA staff and volunteers.

Sawyer and Hazel were the Sun, and everyone else was revolving around them like the planets, congratulating and thanking them for their success. The crowd was watching happily, their eyes twinkling like the stars. Thousands of camera flashes went off, saving the moment in digital form. 


"I'm sorry."

Sawyer looked at Dr. Clay, surprised. "What is there to be sorry about?"

Dr. Clay sighed. "For not believing in you and Hazel. I didn't think you would have been able to organise something like Save CMA Day, yet you defied the odds. You really did save Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

"It's fine, Dr. Clay. Just learn from your mistakes. Besides, I couldn't have done it without Hazel."

Phoebe smiled. "So..."

Sawyer frowned. "So...?"

"Aren't you going to make it official?"

Sawyer raised an eyebrow. "Make what official?"

Phoebe shook her head, amused. "You and Hazel."

A mix of emotions greeted that statement.

Dr. Clay stared at Hazel, emotionless. Every so often, he would glance at Sawyer through the corner of his eyes.

Lorraine Nelson looked shocked. Her mouth had fallen open. She blinked a few times before closing her mouth and running a hand through her hair.

Reed Haskett, Kat, Dr. McCarthy, and Phoebe were looking unsurprised. Smug, even.

"Thanks, Phoebe," Sawyer said, rolling his eyes.

"So it's true?"

"Yes, Mom, it's true." Sawyer sighed. "This wasn't how we had planned to tell you, but I guess it worked all right."

Dr. Clay swallowed hard. "So you're boyfriend and girlfriend?" The words appeared to be foreign to him.

Hazel nodded slowly. "Yes, Dad."

Dr. Clay sighed. "Well, congratulations."

Reed smiled. "Just remember what I said a few weeks ago. Don't do it too early."

Sawyer smiled. "Right, thanks. Look, Hazel and I need to clean the pools. We'll see you later." He grabbed Hazel's hand and walked out of the office.

Dr. Clay stared at their retreating figures, thinking. He turned his gaze on Lorraine Nelson, who promptly looked away.

"Well, I best be off," Dr. McCarthy said, nodding to everyone as he left the office.

Kat took one look at Dr. Clay before silently leaving. Phoebe sensed the tension in the room and followed suit.

"I better get going, too," Lorriane said hurriedly. "I've got an evening shift at the hospital. I'll see you later."

Dr. Clay stood up. "Lorraine, wait!"

Lorraine Nelson turned to face Dr. Clay. "Yes, Clay?"


She sighed. "Listen, Clay, I really have to go. I can't afford to be late. See you."

Dr. Clay watched her go, running a hand through his hair. He sank down into his chair and put his head in his hands.

"Do you want some fatherly advice?"

Dr. Clay looked up at his father, Reed Haskett. "If you've got any, sure."

Reed placed a hand on Dr. Clay's shoulder, smiling slightly. "Go after her," he whispered. "Chase after her until your legs can't bear the strain no longer. Then you'll know that it's time to give up. But chase, Clay. Chase, and you never know what might happen."

Dr. Clay bit his lip, sighing. "That's easier said, than done," he grumbled.

"You never know, Clay, until you try. And when you try, you never know..."


The sun had set and the stars had come out to play, twinkling brightly in the evening sky. Two people lay on the soft sand, gazing up at the sky. Two star-crossed lovers with everything to give, but nothing to lose. Two lovers, who met by chance.

Hazel and Sawyer.

Their fingers were entwined, their hearts woven together by a four-lettered word.


As they stared up at the sky, a streaking blaze of light crossed paths with the stars.

"A shooting star. Make a wish, Hazel, and you never know, it might just come true."

Hazel sat up and turned to face Sawyer, her face glowing in the dim moonlight. "My wish has already come true, Sawyer. My wish was to be with you, to love you, and for you to love me. My wish has already been granted."

Sawyer sat up, facing the glimmering seas. "My wish has been granted, too. You, Hazel, are the stars in the night skies, the sun behind the clouds. You're the rainbow on a dull day, the light within the darkness. You're the fire of my flames, the yearning of my heart. You're my true love, Hazel. The one and only."

Hazel smiled, a solitary tear trailing down her face, her hair blowing gently in the breeze. "You are my one and only true love, Sawyer. My one and only, too."

They were so close, only millimetres apart, then there was no distance at all. Before, they had been torn apart by miles, and held together by each other's smiles. Now, they were bound together by love.

They moved in sync, silhouetted against the silver moon, and did something they'd never forget.

Something that they would cherish forever.

Their first kiss.


Thanks to @LukasiakSmile for the romance moment idea at the end. I hope you liked it :)

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