Chapter [3]

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Sawyer ran through the staff entrance and was relieved to see Hazel. "Hi, Hazel."

"Sawyer, you're just in time!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs in the direction of the dolphin pools.

"Sawyer, Hazel, over here!"

"We're coming, Phoebe," Hazel called, still dragging Sawyer along.

Dr. Clay, Phoebe, Kat, and a few other members of staff were gathered around the main pool. To Sawyer's relief, Colton wasn't there.

"Right, now that we're all here, I'll run through the whole presentation." Dr. Clay's eyes skimmed over everyone. "We have a very special guest who will be coming in to swim with Winter. I'm sure you're all familiar with him. His name is Nick Vujicic."

Sawyer nodded. "Yeah, I've heard of him. I read his book: Life Without Limits. He's quite the inspiration."

Dr. Clay nodded. "He is. Winter will be doing this session without her prosthetic. Sawyer, I want you to do a session with Winter and the tail, now. Nick Vujicic's wife and son will be with him; they can join in if they wish to. Just remember that George Hughes and Phil Hordern will be watching, so everything has to be perfect. Hazel, you'll be hosting and filming, and Sawyer, you'll have Winter. Kat will have Hope."

Sawyer nodded. "Sure. Phoebe, could you get me the tail, please?"

Phoebe nodded. "Yes, of course. I'll be right back."

Clay clapped his hands. "Let's get this show on the road, then."

Sawyer climbed down into the pool and onto the platform. The cool water rippled as he crouched on the platform. Winter was lying on her mat, but swam over to join Sawyer when she saw him.

"Hey, girl, how are you doing?"

Winter whistled and pressed her nose into Sawyer's hand.

"Here, Sawyer." Phoebe handed him the silicon sleeve and descended into the pool with the tail.

"Thanks." He held the sleeve up to Winter's eye. "You okay?"

Winter whistled again. She bobbed her head up and down.

Sawyer handed the sleeve to Phoebe. "She's good." He continued to stroke Winter, murmuring words of encouragement.

"It's on," said Phoebe. "I'll leave you to it, then. I've got to go and tend to Bondi."

Sawyer nodded. "Thanks, Phoebe." He turned his attention back to Winter. "Attagirl."

Winter slid off the platform and began swimming. Sawyer paused, admiring her naturally graceful movements, before submerging.

* * *

"Where's Hazel?"

Sawyer turned to face Dr. Clay. "I don't know. Maybe she's getting equipment ready?"

Dr. Clay turned to hassle Phoebe. "Have you seen Hazel?"

Phoebe shook her head. "Sorry, Clay, I haven't. Have Phil and George arrived, yet?"

"Yes." Dr. Clay frowned. "Nick and his family are here, too. But where's Hazel?"

"I'm here, Dad!"

A breathless, flustered Hazel came running around the corner.

"Cutting it a bit fine, Hazel," said Phoebe. "What happened?"

"Misplaced the microphone." She turned to face her father. "Are we all set?"

Sawyer, Phoebe, and Hazel nodded.

"Good. Remember that everything has to go smoothly; Phil and George are scrutinizing us."

Sawyer frowned at Hazel before descending into the pool where Winter, now without her tail, was waiting. Kat was in at the other end of the pool with Hope.

"Hi, I'm Hazel Haskett. Welcome to Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Sixteen years ago, my mom and dad bought an old sewerage treatment plant and turned it into a marine hospital for sick and injured animals. Their motto was Rescue, Rehab, Release, and for the past sixteen years, CMA has been doing just that. Today we have some very special guests in our midst. Everyone, please welcome Nick Vujicic, his wife Kanae, and son Kyoshi."

Everyone clapped and cheered as Nick and his family appeared. Hazel handed the microphone to Kanae.

"It's a pleasure to be here," said Kanae, "and we are blessed to have this wonderful opportunity to meet, and swim, with Winter. We're really excited—aren't you excited to be here?"

A cheer erupted from the crowd.

Kanae held the microphone up to her husband's face.

"Just as my beautiful wife said: It's a pleasure to be here with all you amazing people and animals. God bless." Nick smiled at the crowds before hopping off his chair.

With Kyoshi held under one arm, Kanae helped Nick into the pool.

Sawyer smiled at them as they joined him and Winter on the platform. Winter took an immediate liking to Nick and splashed him playfully. Everyone laughed as Nick splashed her back.

Sawyer helped Winter off the platform. "You ready?"

Nick nodded, sliding off the platform.

Kat brought Hope over to Kanae and Kyoshi and they interacted, Kyoshi imitating Hope's clicks and squeals.

"In the main pool today, we have Winter and Hope. As you all know, Winter was rescued after she was found with her tail trapped in a crab cage. Her tail, sadly, couldn't be saved, yet her courage and will to live helped her through the darkest of times. Hope was rescued last year, stranded in roughly the same location as Winter. Sadly, neither can ever be released into the wild." Hazel paused, smiling as she watched Winter and Nick bond. "Over in the other dolphin pool, we have Nicholas and Bondi. Nicholas was rescued with his mother, Noelle. Sadly, his mom passed away, leaving us with a young, injured dolphin in need of around-the-clock care. Nicholas is now fully healed. Bondi was rescued a little less than three months ago. He was suffering from sunburn and a lung infection. Bondi is now on the road to recovery and sees Nicholas as his older brother. Like Winter and Hope, neither can be released as they lack the necessary skills to survive in the wild."

Sawyer watched as Winter and Nick floated beside each other, both content in the other's presence. He felt a pair of eyes boring into the back of his head so he turned.

Colton smirked at Sawyer, casually leaning against the wall. His eyes reflected the pool water, but they held no glimmer or spark. They were cold, icy, and dark.

Sawyer turned his back on Colton, thinking.

There was definitely something fishy about the boy . . . Something potentially deadly . . .

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