Chapter [15]

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Sawyer drew in a deep breath. A snide little voice within his head was telling him not to say anything. His heart, however, told him otherwise. "Okay."

Hazel broke into a smile. "Okay?" In truth, Hazel was surprised. She had expected Sawyer to say no.

Sawyer nodded, wondering if he had done the right thing.  "Okay."

"So, what happened that night?"

Sawyer sighed. "Do you mind going first, Hazel? I just need some time to collect my thoughts."

Hazel shrugged. "Sure. Where should I start?"

"The beginning?"

"If only I knew where the beginning began, and where the ending ended."

Sawyer frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"

Hazel sighed. "This whole Colton thing has been going on for longer than I originally thought."

Sawyer snorted. "Why do I not find that hard to believe? Anyway, keep going."

"When he first arrived, which was just after you left---"

Sawyer snorted again. "How convenient."

Hazel sighed. "If you keep interrupting me, Sawyer, we're going to be here for an eternity. When Colton came, he seemed like a little lost puppy rescued from the streets. He'd do everthing to perfectly. Personally, I think it was so he could suck up to my father. I didn't work, though, because my father always compared him with you. It was contructive criticism, but it---apparently---still tore down his wall of self-esteem."

"Except it was all an act, right? As soon as Dr. Clay's back was turned, Phoebe's too, he'd start threatening you, or something, right?"

Hazel hesitated. "Not so much threatening, actually. That started later on. It was more like he was dropping hints about what he was up to, but I just ignored it thinking that he was a sore loser."

"And what did he say?"

"He kept hinting at the fact that he despised you, even though you two had never met in person before. He kept going on and on about how he was better than you, and how he would become the next—"

"Me," Sawyer concluded. "So, he wants to be the next me. What else did he say?"

"He, uh..." Hazel trailed off awkwardly. "He hinted at the fact that he liked me, and he asked me if I like him."

Even though Sawyer already knew the answer, he just wanted to make sure that nothing had changed. "And what did you say?"

Hazel blushed. "No, of course not. There were too many things occupying my mind to think about something as crazy and far-fetched as love. I hate his guts, and I wish I had realised sooner."

"Doesn't everyone?" Sawyer muttered bitterly.

"You realised before anyone else did," Hazel said quietly, "and I didn't listen."

Sawyer looked at the ground uncomfortably. "Well, we all make the wrong choices every now and then; it's part of life. I've made thousands of mistakes in my sixteen years of life so far, and I'm still going to make mistakes in the future. Just be sure to learn from your mistakes."

Hazel nodded. "Yeah. Then when you got back he changed and started to be sweet and generous. Yet again, it was just all an act. You saw right through him, Sawyer, didn't you? Yet, you didn't say anything. Why?"

"It was rather obvious," Sawyer said bitterly. "The smile never even got past his mouth, and his body language told me that he hated my guts. I didn't say anything because sometimes it's good to let your enemy think that you're being defeated by them, but you're actually more prepared than they think. It's a strategy that works most of the time. Besides, the truth was going to come out, sooner or later; it always does."

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