Chapter [2]

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The car pulled into the parking lot of Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The parking lot was quite full and news vans were parked around the place.

Sawyer shrank back from the windows, overcome by a sudden sense of déjà vu. Just three months ago, the pairing of Winter and Hope had attracted a crowd of hundreds of supporters, as well as a few news crews, too.

Hazel smiled. "I guess news got out about your return."

"You don't say," Sawyer said, attempting to make sense of the situation. "It's like I'm a celebrity, or something."

"Quite the celebrity, then," Kyle said, surveying the crowds who were beginning to surround the car. "I'll hold them off, again, just like last time. You three get inside." He stepped out of the car and began fending off the reporters, shoving away their microphones and cameras.

Hazel grabbed Sawyer's hand and pulled him out of the car, dodging the journalists as they made their way to the staff entrance. They needn't have worried about the reporters, though, because a distraction came in the form of a pelican.

"Rufus!" Hazel shrieked, laughing as the crazy pelican began nipping at the reporters' heels, effectively chasing them all away. "Oh, Rufus."

Sawyer laughed, watching as one of the reporters ran as fast as she could in high heels. She ended up tripping and falling onto the bitumen. Rufus ran up to her and began attacking her well-made bun.

Hazel bit her lip. "Should we call him off?"

The high-pitched squeals and screams of the reporter reverberated off the building and around the vicinity, attracting curious passers-by.

"Hang on." Sawyer pulled Hazel to the staff entrance and waited for his mom and Kyle to join them. By now, all attention was on the news reporter who was now writhing around on the ground, desperately trying to get Rufus away from her.

Kyle and Sawyer's mother joined them, both attempting to keep straight faces.

Sawyer gripped the handle and wrenched the door open. He ushered the others inside before speaking. "Rufus, shoo!"

The pelican looked up at Sawyer before spreading his wings and taking off.

Sawyer hastily pulled the door shut and locked it. He turned to face the others, a grin on his face. "That was interesting."

Hazel smiled and grabbed his hand. "Come on, I'll take you to see everyone." She pulled him into the main hall and led him over to the dolphin pool viewing window.

The glass was cool against Sawyer's hand as he waited for the dolphins to appear. Hazel stood beside him, her hand also pressed against the glass, smiling.

Nicholas was the first to appear; his sunburn was almost non-existent. He was clearly one healthy dolphin though, sadly, he wasn't eligible for release as he lacked the necessary survival skills, such as hunting and the skills to protect himself from predators, all of which he could only learn from his mother. A smaller dolphin swam up to the window and pressed its nose against the glass.

"Meet Bondi, Sawyer," Hazel said, still smiling.

Bondi waved a fin before swimming off to join Nicholas, clearly comfortable in the latter's presence. They swam together, Nicholas keeping Bondi in check.

Hazel grabbed Sawyer's hand and pulled him up the staircase.

"Welcome back, Sawyer."

Sawyer glanced back at the person who had spoken and smiled. "Oh. Hey, Virginia."

Hazel pulled him over to the main pool where Winter and Hope were. "They've missed you, Sawyer, especially Winter."

Sawyer had gone onto the CMA website whenever he had internet access and had watched Winter and Hope on the live webcam. Nothing, however, could be better than seeing them in the flesh. He took his shoes off and sat on the edge of the pool, his toes skimming the water.

Winter was lounging on her favorite blue mattress, Hope right beside her. Both had their eyes closed, relaxing in the warm sunlight that danced across the surface of the crystalline water. Hope had grown since Sawyer had last seen her, but Winter appeared to be the same.

"Welcome back, Sawyer. I heard that you had a great experience during SEA Semester."

Sawyer turned to face the person who had spoken. "Dr. Clay!"

Dr. Clay Haskett smiled, Phoebe by his side.

"Hey, Sawyer," said Phoebe. "We missed you. Especially Winter."

"I missed all of you," said Sawyer, turning to look at Winter. "Winter, especially."

"What are you waiting for, then?" Phoebe asked, placing a hand on Sawyer's shoulder.

"What do you me---?"

Everyone laughed as Phoebe pushed Sawyer into the water. Winter and Hope opened their eyes, startled by the splash that ensued.

Sawyer emerged from the water, spluttering. "Phoebe!"

Winter's shrill whistle pierced the light atmosphere, high-pitched and excited.

"Tweety Bird," Hazel said, grinning. "She knows it's you, Sawyer."

Winter swam to Sawyer, still whistling, with Hope following along behind. She paused a few inches away from him, clicking.

"She's echo-locating," said Phoebe. "She wants to know if it's really you, Sawyer."

After a few more clicks, Winter whistled and swam right up to Sawyer and pressed her nose into his hand. Hope swam around Sawyer and, to everyone's surprise, leapt out of the water, landing with a splash.

Sawyer laughed and fully submerged. Winter followed, and together, they swam for the first time in three months. A bubble of laughter escaped Sawyer's mouth as both Hope and Winter followed his hand, swimming around him.

Together, they swam for what felt like an eternity. The sun sparkled overhead, lighting up the depths of the pool. At last, when he could hold his breath no longer, Sawyer surfaced, smiling.

"It's good to be back," he said, stroking both Hope and Winter.

"It's good to have you back, honey," Sawyer's mother said, her eyes alight in happiness.

Sawyer looked at Winter. "I've got to go now, Winter, but I'll be back soon, I promise. You won't have to wait another three months to see me." He stroked Winter and Hope one last time before standing and climbing the ladder. Hazel handed him a towel, grinning.

"You must be the famous Sawyer Nelson."

Sawyer turned and saw a boy around his age in a CMA wet suit. He turned to look at Hazel who smiled, nodding. The puzzle pieces suddenly clicked together. "Yes, and you must be Colton."

Colton looked past Sawyer and at Hazel. He smiled, returning his gaze to Sawyer. "Yes, I'm Colton. Hazel, here, has told me all about you; good things, of course. It's a pleasure to meet you, at long last." His cool cerulean eyes met Sawyer's.

"It's nice to meet you, too," Sawyer said, frowning slightly. "Mom, how about we go home. I'm kind of jet lagged, and a shower would be nice."

"Of course, honey."

Hazel wrapped her arms around Sawyer, completely ignoring the fact that he was still sopping wet. "See you tomorrow? There's a presentation and you don't want to miss it."

Sawyer smiled. "Of course not." He looked at Colton, calculating. "See you later, Colton. I'll see you guys later," he added, nodding to Dr. Clay and Phoebe.

Phoebe smiled. "Bye, Sawyer."

Dr. Clay gave him a curt nod. "Get some rest. I'll see you back here at seven in the morning---sharp. We've got a presentation to prepare for, and both Phil Hordern and George Hughes are coming. We can't afford to mess this one up."

Sawyer nodded, distracted by Colton. It was the way the boy looked at Sawyer; his smile seemed like a smirk, and his icy blue eyes held something more sinister behind the thin mask of innocence. Sawyer watched as Colton's gaze landed on Hazel.

"Are you okay, Sawyer?"

Sawyer blinked. "Yeah, Phoebe, just jet lagged . . . " He narrowed his eyes at Colton. It wasn't just jet lag. There was something strange about Colton.

Something very strange . . .

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