Author's Note

2.3K 71 91
  • Dedicated to Everyone


I honestly don't know what to say. It has been a month since I began this story; a month since I embarked on this amazing journey. I never expected this story to become so popular. Thank you so much for over 5K reads, 300 votes, and 400 comments! It means the world to me.

This is the end of the journey, and I'd like to take this time to thank all of you for your support. As a writer, the support and encouragement is heart-warming, and makes me want to write so much more for you.

A huge thank you to [in a random order]:

~ Musicgirl1999
~ AlwaysxForever
~ vargas_crystal
~ lollypop6190
~ alittlesquishyfishy
~ Disxssemble
~ dolphindreamer11
~ hazelruth16
~ DemiWizard107
~ LasindiPerera
~ Writer_Forevermore
~ Frostfire101
~ CXQuill
~ authorinthefuture
~ falzautumn
~ LukasiakSmile
~ wonderofthewardrobe
~ TeenObsessor
~ Dolphinlover25
~ kytalllxv
~ jjjoeesugg
~ niamhy27
~ maya4980
~ HelenKellergirl13
~ dolphintalefan
~ KSQuill
~ Maxerica_forever

I'm sorry if your name isn't on here, I was in a rush, but if you'd like to be recognised, shoot me a comment or PM me and I'll add you to the list. But just because you're not on here doesn't mean you're not as wonderful and amazing as the people who are. Thank you so much for voting, commenting, fanning, and just being so, so supportive during this journey. Our journey. Thank you oh so much. I'll forever be grateful.

I'll be editing, re-writing bits of this story for the next couple of days, so don't get too excited if it says that "I've updated"...

And I'm currently working on a story that is completely different to "Dolphin Tale 3", so keep your eye out for that!


I've been asked a few times about whether I'm going to write a sequel. What do you think about a sequel? I have had an idea [thanks to some inspiration from LukasiakSmile], but I want to know if you would like to read it... I'm willing to write a "Dolphin Tale 4", or I might name it something else.

So, just tell me if you'd like to read a sequel, and if you do, I'll post the first chapter soon :)

Thank you so much for staying with me throughout my journey. Love you so much, and thanks for all your support.

Catherine xxoo



There WILL be a sequel. It's called "Dolphin Tale 4" and the first chapter will be published soon! See you then :)



First of all, I just wanted to give a shoutout to one of my very first friends on Wattpad - @Robotic_Crafter  - who has the first instalment of his series, Saurian Chronicles, on his profile. Go check it out if you're looking for something different, and dare I say, authentic. If you're also into watching YouTube videos, specifically gaming videos and vlogs, then you can also check out his channel (linked below and in both of our bios). He's striving to grow in the YouTube community and will also be putting out book reviews in the future, so if any of that piques your interest, I'd encourage you to go and check out his channel. He would really appreciate that :) are we at 98k reads?! When I first wrote this A/N, we were at 5k (which was, and still is, a major milestone)! This is just insane to me - I never imagined that we'd get anywhere close to where we are now. Also, who knew that we'd get to DT7! Thank you all so much for the support over the years. No words will ever truly express how much it means to me xx

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