Chapter [6]

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Colton laughed at his own cleverness. There he was, concealed in the darkness of the night, making his way to Dr. Clay Haskett's office. The fluorescent numbers on his phone told him that it was just past ten.

"What are you doing here at this time of night?"

Colton scowled and turned to face the person who had spoken. "I could ask you the same question, Sawyer."

"I left my bag here, and I'm here to retrieve it. It's got some notes I need to review for tomorrow, in it. What about you?" Sawyer folded his arms, his eyes glinting dangerously in the dull moonlight.

"I forgot something, too."

"And what exactly did you forget?"

"What is this; twenty questions? I forgot my watch."

Sawyer raised his eyebrows. "Right. That pathetic excuse of yours would have been more believable if you actually wore a watch. Why are you here?"

"Wow, Sawyer, you found me out." Colton scowled. "I'm here to watch the dolphins sleep. I like it when they sleep."

Sawyer shook his head. "So why are you outside Dr. Clay's office? The main dolphin pool is in the opposite direction."

"Well, I'm sorry. It's not my fault that I can't see where I'm going. I can barely even see you."

"Yet I'm standing ten feet away from you and can see your face in high definition. Stop making excuses, Colton, and tell me what your real intentions are."

Colton sneered. "Well, I was going to break into Dr. Clay's office... but that can wait. It's the perfect do something else. You see, I accidentally let slip to you my evil plans. I'm afraid I'm going have to---"

"What are you going to have to do?"

"I'm going to have to kill you."

"Kill me?" Sawyer clenched his jaw. His heart was racing. "You are an evil, manipulative psychopath. You know that, right?"

Colton chuckled menacingly. "Yes, I do indeed. Now, as I don't have a suitable weapon, I'm afraid you're going to have to suffer and long and painful death. I'm going to drown you in one of the dolphin pools. Do you want to know which one?"

Sawyer's heart fluctuated. "No, not Winter's pool. No."

Colton grinned. "Oh, yes. Winter's pool."

"What good will drowning me do, Colton? For you to want to drown me, I must have done something terrible."

"You have done something terrible, Sawyer. You've stolen Hazel from me."

"So not only are you a psychopath, you're also a perverted player," Sawyer seethed. "And how have I stolen Hazel? We're not even together."

"Now, now, Sawyer, that's not very nice---"

"Yeah, and you're the epitome of nice," Sawyer spat sardonically.

"Shut up, Sawyer. You stole Hazel from me. She has feelings for me---because I'm awesome, unlike you---but you're in her way. She's a confused little girl, Hazel is. She's got feelings for me, but she also believes that she has feelings for you, too. So to get you out of my way---"

"You have to eliminate me. How comforting." Sawyer swallowed hard. "Well, if I go down, you mustn't harm anyone else. No animals, no people. Got it?"

"Sorry, Sawyer. I can't make promises I can't keep."

"Well, make a promise you can keep, then." Sawyer began thinking about any possible escape routes.

"I would, Sawyer, but promises are made to be broken." He walked up to Sawyer, so close that they were almost touching noses.

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