Chapter [16]

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Sawyer stared at Hazel, a thousand different emotions and thoughts running through his mind. In reality, he had been expecting something like this to happen. He just hadn't expected it to happen so soon. After all, both he and Hazel had met at the age of thirteen. Now they were sixteen and had formed a much closer bond. They had known each other for three years, yet here they were, admitting their feelings. Sawyer blamed it on their raging hormones.

"Oh, um..."

Hazel blushed. "Oh, gosh, that was so stupid of me. I'm sorry. Forget I even said that."

Sawyer looked awkwardly at Hazel. "Honestly, it's fine."

Hazel looked taken aback. "It's fine? Does that mean---"

Sawyer sighed and said, "I like you, too," at the same Hazel said, "you'll forget about it?"

Hazel covered her mouth with her hand. "Really? Wow, I thought you'd say no, or act really surprised, or something."

Sawyer sighed. "I like you too, Hazel, but I think we should think about other things, first. Until we sort out our issues, this romance thing will have to wait."

Hazel was disappointed, but she understood. Colton was their main problem and focus at the moment. "So, what are we going to do about Colton? We can't just let him get away with everything he has done. That's unjustified."

"What do you suggest, then?"

"Why don't we work together? We could come up with an idea to make Colton pay for what he's done. We deserve revenge."

"I don't know. Revenge isn't always the best solution," Sawyer said doubtfully.

"Think about what he's done, Sawyer. Think about what he's done to all of us. We can do this together, as a team. You and me."

Sawyer hesitated. "I suppose. But what are we going to do? I mean, there isn't much two sixteen year olds can do, is there?"

Hazel furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "I'm not sure of what we're going to do. If there's one thing I'm sure of, though, it's this: together, you and I will come up with a brilliant plan."

Sawyer still looked doubtful. "If you think so..."

"Oh, I don't think we can do it. I believe we can do it. There's a big difference there."


Dr. Clay sighed. He was watching Hazel and Sawyer clean the dolphin pools.

Three years ago, when Sawyer had first arrived at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Dr. Clay had first gotten the impression that Hazel may have a liking towards Sawyer. That feeling had gotten stronger as the days had gone by. The pair were like clockwork; always working harmoniously together. They were always there for each other, and when they fought, they made up as fast as a fourteen-year-old running away after witnessing his parents performing the horizontal hula dance.

 Dr. Clay sighed heavily, looking between Sawyer and Hazel as they cleaned the opposite ends of the pool. It was funny because as time went by their relationship grew stronger, even after Sawyer had been away for three months.

 He turned and walked away, letting his mind wander.

On that first day when he had met Sawyer's mother, Lorraine, his heart had been thumping wildly in his chest. He had been nervous, that day, and he wasn't sure why. After all, there was no reason to be nervous. He had tried not to show his nervousness to Lorraine, keen to give her a good first impression. When she had smiled at him, his heart had fluttered involuntarily, and his spirits soared like a bird against the blue skies. Then she shook his hand and some sort of mini eruption of happiness occurred within his heart. Tingles had worked their way down his spine, though he wasn't sure why.

When she had left, he had caught sight of Rufus staring at him from his rooftop vantage point. He had glared at the pelican and had asked, "What are you looking at?"

It was only then that he realised what Rufus had been looking at. It was only then that he realised why certain things had happened. It was then that he finally understood why.


Hazel placed down her brush and glanced up at the sky, now awash in a gradient of gold and pink. The bright ball of light and warmth was slowly descending below the horizons. "It's beautiful, don't you think?"

Sawyer leaned against the wall, staring up at the sky. "It's beauty at its best. It looks like a watercolor painting; so breath-taking and smooth."

Hazel made her way over to Sawyer. She sat on the edge of the pool, her feet dangling into the water. "So beautiful," she whispered.

"Just like you." Sawyer sat on the edge of the pool, beside Hazel. He glanced up at the sky, content. "I never really got the chance to admire something as beautiful as the fading light, but I'm glad that I have, and I'm grateful to have been able to witness it with you, Hazel."

"Thank you, Sawyer."

If Hazel's heart had been made of chocolate, it would have been melting at that very moment in time. Time just seemed to stop as the pair regarded each other closely, unsure of their next moves.

"This will be our secret, okay?" said Sawyer, grasping Hazel's hands in his. "Until all these bad things have passed."

Hazel nodded. "Okay. After these things have happened, should we tell our parents?"

Sawyer nodded, looking into Hazel's eyes. "I believe that that would be the best thing to do. But for now, this will remain a secret."

Hazel nodded again, gazing intently into Sawyer's sincere eyes. She couldn't believe her luck when Sawyer admitted to liking her back. At first, she had thought that he would reject her. Hazel was surprised that Sawyer had admitted his feelings for her. She had originally thought that Sawyer liked the volunteer worker---Susie---and vice versa, but now she realised that she.was being stupid and narrow-minded.

Hazel slid across so that she was closer to Sawyer. She smiled.

Sawyer smiled back at Hazel. They were so close, their shoulders were touching.

Hazel leaned in closer, closing her eyes. Sawyer followed her lead, and soon they were only a few inches apart.

"Hazel, Sawyer, where are you?"

Sawyer and Hazel sprang apart, caught off guard.

"I---Oh... Did I just intrude on something...?"

Sawyer laughed nervously. "No, Phoebe. We were just, uh, talking."

"I see." Phoebe raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"What did you want us for anyway?" Hazel said, trying to look as innocent as a four-year-old caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Phoebe sighed. "Oh, guys. Something has come up..."

"What? Another stranding?"

Phoebe shook her head. "No. Something a lot more serious than that. Something that could take away every single animal currently in our care. Something that could be the life or death of Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

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