Chapter [17]

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"Phillip Hordern has arranged a court hearing."


Dr. Clay sighed. "We have to go to a court hearing. Phil is going to try and pursuade the judge to implement a breeding program here at Clearwater Marine Aquarium."

"He can't just do that!" Hazel exclaimed, running a hand through her hair. "How could he do that?"

"He has done it, Hazel, and there's nothing we can do about it," Phoebe said tiredly. "We can only hope..."

"He can't!"

Sawyer gripped Hazel's hand tightly. "Calm down, Hazel. Can't we bring in some lawyers?"

Dr. Clay shook his head. "No. Phillip Hordern has been funding our project; he's the one who pays for everything. If he was on our side, I'm sure he'd pay for some lawyers to help us out with our case, but seeing as he's on the opposing side..."

Sawyer groaned. "We could always raise money."

Phoebe shook her head. "We just don't have enough time, Sawyer. A fundraiser would have been a great idea, but we just don't have the time. We need all the time we've got to think of arguments and evidence."

Hazel bit her lip. "How long do we have?"

Dr. Clay looked at the floor. "One day."

"One day?" Sawyer said incredulously. "Are you kidding?"

Phoebe shook her head. "One day," she said grimly.


"Sawyer, do you want to eat something?"

Sawyer raised his eyebrow at Hazel. "But it's not lunchtime yet. Are you hungry?"

Hazel nodded. "I'm starving. Preparing all this stuff for court has made me hungry. Phoebe, Dr. Clay, do you mind if Sawyer and I went to get some food for all of us? We won't be long."

Phoebe didn't even look up from the file she was reading. "Sure. I could do with something to eat."

Hazel grabbed Sawyer's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Sawyer hissed. "We're not just going to get food, are we? There's another reason behind this, isn't there?"

Hazel nodded. "We're going to my house, okay? I won't say anything until we get there."

Sawyer frowned. "Okay..."

After a while, they reached the Haskett's house. Hazel pushed open the door and ushered Sawyer in, closing it behind her.

Sawyer folded his arms and leaned against the wall. "What did you want to say?"

Hazel sighed, leaning against the door. "About what happened to both of us... I think we should tell them who did it."

Sawyer's eyes widened. "Are you mad? They'll be really angry that we didn't tell them earlier. Besides, we can't worry about that now; we have a court hearing to prepare for."

"Are you talking about the same thing as I am?" Hazel said, frowing. 

"Well, were you talking about our relationship?"

Hazel shook her head. "No. I was talking about what Colton did to both of us. He used us. He manipulated us. He almost killed you, too."

"Enough." Sawyer raised his hands into the air to silence Hazel. "Sorry, but I can't. I'm emotionally scarred forever. Just talking about it sends shivers down my spine, okay? I don't want to say anything about it."

"Not even if I said it?"

"Hearing it being recounted is just as bad as telling it myself. Sorry, but that's what emotional trauma can do to people."

"Not even if it could save Clearwater Marine Aquarium from being shut down, and save the animals from being transfered? You still wouldn't say anything, then?"

Sawyer faltered. "I—I don't know. I really don't know. I just need some time to think about it."

Hazel nodded. "You better think fast, though, and make up your mind. I think the future of CMA and the animals' fates rests in our hands."

Sawyer frowned. "How did you figure that one out?"

Hazel sighed. "Sawyer, you and I both know that Phil Hordern will have all the lawyers, judge and jury wrapped around his finger. He's wealthy, and that's what they can do if they have the power and cunningness. The only way that he will lose this court hearing is if we have a substantial accusation against then. It has to be a serious accusation—"

"And it must be backed up with evidence," Sawyer concluded, recalling Phoebe's words from a while back. "That's the problem, though. There were no witnesses that night, and even if I tried, who would listen to a sixteen-year-old boy?"

"If no one will listen to you, Sawyer, why would they listen to Colton?"

"Phil Hordern arranged this court hearing. Who said anything about Colton being there?"

"Because Colton will be there, Sawyer, and I know it. If they're going to listen to Colton, it's only fair if they listen to you." Hazel sighed. "Have you made your mind up, yet? Only we've been gone quite a while and still haven't gotten any food."

Sawyer bit his lip. "Right... I guess I might, considering what's at stake. And seeing as Clearwater Marine Aquarium means a lot to all of us—especially you and Dr. Clay—I'll do it."

Hazel flung her arms around Sawyer. "Thank you. But are we going to tell our parents about what you're going to say? Are you just going to do an impromptu statement?"

Sawyer took in a deep breath. "I guess it's a great opportunity to work on my impromptu speech-making skills. We won't tell our parents anything. I just hope it works."

Hazel released Sawyer and made her way to the kitchen, opening the fridge door and looking inside. "Okay, then."

The pair spent the next ten minutes looking for some sort of snack before heading back to CMA. When they arrived back at CMA, Dr. Clay and Phoebe had been joined by Kat and Dr. McCarthy.

"Dr. McCarthy," said Sawyer in surprise, "what are you doing here?"

"Lending a helping hand," Dr. McCarthy said, shrugging. "I heard you needed all the help you could get, and I was free today, so I decided to drop by."

"Thanks, Dr. McCarthy," Hazel said, smiling. "It really was kind of you." She turned to face her father, Phoebe and Kat. "I don't suppose you want to take a break, do you? We brought some food."

"And you clearly took your time," Phoebe said, winking. She placed the piece of paper she had been writing on, on the desk and stood up. "I'm so ravenous I could eat a whale.

"Well, I think that's all we can do for now," Dr. Clay said, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "We may as well take a break. Sawyer, Hazel, is there anything you wanted to add that might help our case?"

Sawyer and Hazel looked at each other and shook their heads.

Dr. Clay sighed. "Well, we may as well get an early night. We'll need to clear all our thoughts out of our minds. We've got a tough battle tomorrow, and we've got to be ready."

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