Chapter [8]

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Dr. Clay watched on as Sawyer began his daily bonding session with Winter. Even though Sawyer had recovered quite well, Dr. Clay had a feeling that he was hiding something. He walked away, after a while, deciding to get some paperwork done.


Sawyer ran his hand along Winter's side. "Good girl, Winter."

Winter whistled and pushed her nose into Sawyer's other hand.

"Do you want to go for a swim?"

Winter whistled and slid off the platform. Sawyer took a deep breath before joining her.


Dr. Clay sighed as he looked over his emails.

Phoebe glanced over at him, closing the file she had been looking through. "You okay, Clay?"

"Yeah. Phil Horden's been showering me with emails about his breeding program. I was adamant when I told him we had rejected it, but I guess he never got the message. He's pretty insistent, too; nine emails in two days." Dr. Clay sighed. "Then there's Sawyer."

"What about Sawyer?"

"Don't you get the feeling he's not telling us something, Phoebe?"

Phoebe frowned and set down the file she had been holding. "I do, Clay. Just give him some time. He'll tell us when he's ready to." She stood and left the office.

Dr. Clay shook his head slowly. He ran his hands through his hair, staring shrewdly at the computer screen.

"Clay, take a look at this."

Kat came into the room, the latest paper held in her hands, several others tucked under her arms. She gave the paper to Clay, who read the headline and sighed.

"Winter: Survivor, Now Savior." Clay groaned. "What next?"

Kat frowned. "How about this one? Winter-Such a Misleading Name for a Dolphin so Warm and Caring. Or this one: Is the Saying What Goes Around, Comes Around True?"

Clay held his hand out. "Here, let me see that one."

Kat passed him the paper.

"A few years ago, Sawyer Nelson freed Winter's tail from a crab cage, ultimately saving her life. From then on, they have acquired the most amazing, heart-warming bond. Even though Winter lost her tail, it seems that Sawyer's mere presence was enough to give her a strong will to live. For years now, people have been trying to prove that what goes around comes around. Well, we may now have an answer. Last week, Sawyer was found in Winter and Hope's pool, unconscious. In a statement four days ago, Hazel Haskett---sixteen; daughter of Dr. Clay Haskett; self-proclaimed girlfriend of Sawyer Nelson---said that, 'When I first saw him, I thought he was gone for good. He was just so pale, and I could practically see the life ebbing out of him... It was Winter who kept him above water. She must have been swimming the whole night, making sure that Sawyer stayed afloat. Winter truly is his savior.' Well, there you go; Sawyer saves Winter's life a few years ago, and now Winter saves Sawyer. The favor has been returned, and what went around, has come around." Dr. Clay raised his eyebrows. "That's an interesting way to describe that situation; I never thought of that. And when did Hazel give that statement?"

Kat shrugged. "Don't know. And is she really Sawyer's self-proclaimed girlfriend?"

Dr. Clay shook his head. "No. She only said that in an attempt to get in the ambulance and ride with him to hospital. As far as I'm concerned, she's still single."

"Right. Well, I'd better get going, then. See you later?"

Dr. Clay nodded. "See you later."

Kat left the office. Dr. Clay stared thoughtfully at the newspaper in his hands. He glanced out of the window in time to see Sawyer walk past.


Sawyer poked his head into the office. "Dr. Clay?"

"Are you all right?"

Sawyer looked taken aback. "Yeah," he said after a while. "Fine." He smiled briefly before disappearing.

Dr. Clay sighed. There was something wrong with Sawyer, and he knew it. He just wasn't sure how to make Sawyer tell him. Then the answer came to him as Colton slouched past the office. Dr. Clay frowned.


Colton heard his name being called. He sighed before backtracking. "Yeah?"

"Can you do me a favor?"

Colton sighed. "Sure. Anything." Personally, he didn't want to do Dr. Clay a favor, but he had to in order to get into his good books.

"Sawyer's been acting strangely ever since his near-death experience, don't you think?"

Colton opened his mouth, then closed it. "Yeah."

"So I want you to go and talk to him. I want you to find out what's bothering him, and if there's anything we can do to help him."

"Why me, Dr. Clay? Why not Hazel, or Phoebe? Why not you?"

Dr. Clay sighed. "You're off the same gender and you're around the same age. Would you rather talk to someone who's similar to you, or someone who's entirely different?"

"Point taken." Colton sighed. "I'll talk to Sawyer."

"Good." Dr. Clay smiled. "Tell me when you get some answers."

"I will." Colton walked out, smiling. He had no intention of talking to Sawyer. Instead, he was going to make some answers up that could ruin Sawyer.


"I've got the answers."

Dr. Clay looked up at Colton. "That was quick."

"I'm good at listening to people. They tend to confide in me." Colton smiled.


"Sawyer said that nothing was bothering him; he was just thinking about leaving CMA---"


Colton shrugged. "It's what he said. He said he wanted a break from CMA; he wanted a normal life. If it's what he wants, Dr. Clay, maybe you should give it to him."

"I'm going to talk to him." Dr. Clay stood up and left the office.

Colton bit his lip. He had not foreseen this.


"Sawyer, can I talk to you?"

Sawyer looked up at Dr. Clay. He dropped the brush. "Sure."

"When do you want to leave?"

Sawyer's mouth dropped open. "Leave? Are you firing me?"

Dr. Clay shook his head quickly. "No. Is it true you want to leave CMA, though?"

Sawyer blinked. "What?"

"Do you want to leave CMA?"

Sawyer shook his head. "No. What gave you that idea? CMA is my second home."

"I sent Colton to talk to you---"

Sawyer paled. "Colton? I haven't seen him all day. He never came to talk to me."

"But, he said that you---"

"Then he was lying," Sawyer said, frustrated. "What else did he tell you?"

"So Colton never came to talk to you?" Dr. Clay said, frowning.


"And you never said any of those things?"

"No. CMA is my second home. Besides, I can't just leave Winter; she needs me."

"Are you sure you never said any of those things?" Dr. Clay was beginning to feel frustrated.


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