Chapter [20]

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Six and a half days. 156 hours. 9360 minutes. 561600 seconds. That's how long they spent working on Save CMA Day. Six and a half stressful days full of blood, sweat, and tears.

Six days, gone in the blink of an eye.

Sawyer woke that morning feeling nervous. He was excited and hopeful, but his nerves appeared to be getting the better of him.

He and Hazel had spent the past six and a half days frantically planning and organising Save CMA Day.

There had been a lot of arguing, negotiating, and truces during the six and a half days, and Sawyer hoped that it had all been worth it.

After all, today was the day that could keep, or destroy, Clearwater Marine Aquarium forever.

The sun had not yet risen, but birds could still be heard, their melodious tunes carried by the wind.

Sawyer got out of bed and walked over to his desk. His phone vibrated, indicating an incoming call.


There was a brief pause.

"Okay, Hazel, I'll be at CMA in a few minutes. See you then. Bye."

Sawyer put the phone back on the desk. He sighed as he caught sight of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium wetsuit hanging on his door. Hanging behind the wetsuit was a pair of faded denim jeans and a "Save CMA Day" t-shirt.

Sawyer slipped into the wetsuit, then put on his casual wear. He put his phone into his pocket and walked out of the room.

"Morning, Mom."

Lorraine Nelson turned and faced her son, smiling. "Morning, Sawyer. How about a bite to eat?"

Sawyer shook his head. "Sorry, Mom. I promised Hazel that I'd be at Clearwater Marine Aquarium in a few minutes. We've got tons to do before the opening ceremony at nine, when all the stalls and shows begin. I've got to dash."

Sawyer's mother sighed. "Well then, it's a good thing I did some baking when I got back from work." She withdrew a tray of chocolate cookies from the oven. They were still warm, and both looked and smelled divine.

"Thanks, Mom, you're our savior." Sawyer hugged his mother, planting a quick kiss on her cheek, before feeling his phone vibrate. He took it out of his pocket and answered the phone call.


Sawyer grimaced as the person on the other end of the line yelled into his ear.

"Dr. Clay, please. Just calm down. I'll explain everything when I get there. Okay, bye."

"Clay not happy?"

Sawyer nodded. "Not very happy. Hang on," Sawyer frowned at his mother. "Since when did you start.calling Dr. Clay, 'Clay'? You used to always call him Dr. Clay."

Sawyer's mother blushed and looked away. "Well, we've gotten to know each other a little better over the years, so we're on a first name basis, now. Anyway, don't you have to go?"

Sawyer nodded, still slightly suspicious. "Yeah. Wish us luck."

His mother smiled. "I'm sure I won't need to. You are all so hard-working and dedicated that I believe luck will find you. I'll come at nine, okay?"

"Okay. Love you." Sawyer grabbed the biscuits which his mother had packed into a box, then left, getting on his bike and riding off to Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

Dr. Clay was standing by the staff entrance when Sawyer arrived, his arms folded. Hazel was by his side, smiling timidly at Sawyer.

"Well, what were you going to say? You said you were going to explain something."

Sawyer got off his bike and propped it against the wall. He turned to face Dr. Clay. Hazel walked to be by his side, her fingers entwined with his.

"Well, Hazel and I came up with an idea that could possibly save Clearwater Marine Aquarium from either losing all the animals, or closing down forever."

Dr. Clay frowned. "So why didn't you tell me this?"

Hazel smiled sheepishly. "Because we didn't think you would approve."

"You organised an event in a week? Just the two of you?"

"Well, we did have help from Sawyer's mother. She helped us a lot."

Dr. Clay smiled. "I see. Did you tell anyone else? Phoebe, or Kat?"

Sawyer shook his head. "They were sitting on the fence about this whole idea, so we decided to go ahead without them. Now, if you'd please excuse us, we've got a few things to organise and set up before nine."

"What exactly are you doing?"

Sawyer smiled. "You're just going to have to wait until nine."

Dr. Clay looked astonished. "Wait, who's coming?"

Hazel and Sawyer looked at each other and smiled.

"Just a few people," said Sawyer, shrugging.


The crowd clapped and cheered as Hazel finished Cozi Zuehlsdorff's heartwarming song, "Brave Souls".

Hazel smiled at the crowd. "Thank you."

From the side of the stage, Sawyer gave Hazel the thumbs up. Everything appeared to be going to plan.

Hazel waited for the crowd to quieten before speaking.

"Welcome, everybody, to Save CMA Day. As you all know, Clearwater Marine Aquarium is facing a tough time, and today will be the deciding factor of whether CMA stays, or is lost forever. I'd just like to thank all of you for coming and supporting us during this tough time; it means a lot. Now, I'm going to introduce the person who made all of this possible; he's the reason we're all here today. Please welcome..." Hazel trailed off, pausing for dramatic effect, "Sawyer Nelson."

Sawyer came out of the wings, waving and smiling at the excited crowd.

"Thank you, Hazel," Sawyer said, "but you should give youself some credit. Without Hazel Haskett, this day would not have been possible, and my life would not be complete."

"Did he just say that?"

Sawyer's mother gaped at him.

"Well, it's true. My life would be incomplete without you."

Lorraine Nelson turned and looked directly into Dr. Clay's eyes. She smiled.

"I suppose I could say the same to you, Clay."

Hazel blushed. "Thank you, Sawyer. During the day, we will have various events for all age groups and genders. There will be shows, stalls, and information sessions where you can find out more about our animals and how you can support us. There are timetables stuck up around the aquarium to tell you what time certain activites, talks, or shows are, and where they are. The closing ceremony will be held at five which will determine Clearwater Marine Aquarium's fate."

Sawyer smiled at the crowd. "On behalf of all CMA staff and volunteers, we hope you have a great day. If we don't see you during the day, we'll see you at the closing ceremony at five."

Hazel slipped her arm around Sawyer's waist and watched the crowd leave the main stage area. She sighed.

"Now we can only hope."

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