Chapter [5]

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Sawyer scrubbed the edge of the pool ferociously. The sun was just beginning to set, and the sky was awash in pinkish-blue. The pool water shimmered in the dying golden sunlight.

Sawyer sighed, pausing to lean against the wall. He looked over into the adjoining pool and watched as Winter and Hope swam side-by-side.

"Hey, Sawyer, where's Hazel? Isn't she supposed to be on pool cleaning duty, too?"

Sawyer turned. "Yeah, Hazel is supposed to be on pool cleaning duty with me, but I don't know where she is."

Phoebe frowned. "Colton was due to have a bonding session with Bondi. It was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago, only when I walked past, Bondi was swimming around on his own. You don't suppose---"

"That Colton took Hazel on a date? No, I don't. I think Colton is up to something, but I don't know what."

Phoebe shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Colton is a sweet boy; he wouldn't mess with Clay's daughter. Not under his nose, anyway."

"No, he's not messing with Hazel. Colton's trying to do something that could jeopardize CMA. He's up to something big. He also reminds me of someone, but I can't lay a finger on who he resembles."

Phoebe fiddled with her hair uncomfortably. "How do you know, Sawyer? How can you be sure?"

Sawyer frowned. "I don't know, and I'm not sure, either. But I have a hunch."

Phoebe pursed her lips. "Make sure you've got evidence before you make any accusations, Sawyer, because we have enough in our hands and don't want a lawsuit to add to our burdens."

Sawyer resumed his brushing. "Right, I'll keep that in mind."


Colton sat on the soft sand, smiling. The light breeze ruffled his hair and waves crashed onto the shore.

"I really shouldn't be here, you know."

Colton was tempted to laugh. "Does your father give you any freedom, or does he coop you up at the aquarium all the time, Hazel?"

Hazel dug her fingers into the sand. The wind whipped thin tendrils of ginger hair into her face. She sighed. "Dad does give me freedom, Colton. I find freedom at CMA; it's my escape."

By now, the sky was a light shade of lilac with tinges of rouge scattered on the horizon.

Colton sighed. He had a job to do, and in order to get to his target, he had to get close to the target's daughter: Hazel.

"So, what do you think of Sawyer?"

Hazel blushed, blowing a strand of hair off her face. "Sawyer... Sawyer's nice. I love his personality and the connection he has with Winter. Sawyer's not the best-looking guy, but he's handsome in his own way. Besides, looks aren't everything."

Colton clenched his teeth. "I know. Do you like him?"

"Oh, don't tell him I said this, but---"

"I take that as a yes, then. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

"Actually, I'm not sure... Maybe. With so many things going on, I haven't really gotten the chance to think about other things."

Colton ran a hand through his hair, purposely making it ruffled. "What other things?"

"Relationships, my future. That kind of stuff."

"Hazel, do you like me?"

Hazel froze. "As a friend, yes---"

"As in like like me."

Hazel blinked, her mouth was getting dry. "No. Colton, I don't." She stood up hastily, brushing sand off her legs. "I'd better get going, then. See you later."

Colton watched, amused, as Hazel ran across the sand. He only stood up to leave when her silhouette had vanished.


"Where have you been?" Sawyer shot Hazel an accusing glare.

Hazel froze. Her eyes widened. "I--- I was out getting some fresh air."

Sawyer crossed his arms. "I see. And were you, by any chance, with Colton?"

Hazel bit her lip.

Sawyer shook his head. "I thought as much. Look, Hazel, Colton's up to something that could bring CMA to its knees. I suggest you don't do anything he says, especially if it concerns Dr. Clay."

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions now, Sawyer. I know right, from wrong," Hazel said hotly. "I'm more mature, now."

"I should hope so. Just hope that Phoebe didn't enlighten Dr. Clay about your disappearing act with Colton. Your father won't be pleased. And speaking of your father..."

"What were you thinking?"

Hazel looked her father in the eye. "I'm old enough to go places without supervision."

"You didn't even tell us you were going on a date. Anything could have happened." Dr. Clay glared at his daughter. "What's gotten into you, lately? First, you almost turn up late to our important presentation, then you neglect your duties."

"I just needed a break, Dad, that's all."

"We'll see about that." Dr. Clay turned to leave. "Oh, and I don't approve of Colton. There's something about him..." He walked away, leaving Sawyer and Hazel standing there awkwardly.

"Do me a favor, Hazel, and stay away from Colton. He's bad news."

Hazel coughed uncomfortably. "And why would I do you a favor, Sawyer? I mean, it's not like we're a couple."

Sawyer shook his head. "Okay, whatever. I get it."

"Get what?"

"You don't care about CMA, anymore. You've lost interest in your chores. You don't care about the animals. You just care about hitting it off with Colton." He turned to leave. "I never believed you'd sink that low, Hazel. I guess I was wrong, though."


Sawyer spun around, his fury spiking dangerously. "Yeah?"

"I---" Hazel took one look at Sawyer's cold stare and the words caught at the back of her throat. Her heart rate quickened and a new, strange feeling overcame her. "I--- I'll see you later."

Sawyer nodded. "Right." He marched off, fuming.

Hazel bit her lip. The only other time she had seen Sawyer this mad was when her father, Dr. Clay, told them that he would be releasing Mandy. That time, Sawyer had been on her side. Now, however, things were different; Sawyer was working against her.

Hazel sank to the ground, confused. She felt like Colton and Sawyer were playing a game of tug-of-war.

The only difference: Hazel was the rope.

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