Some Lessons

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Some Lessons

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1) Most things I worry about are things I have no control over

Most things I worry and stress about are things I can't even control. I can't control my future, how the world is, what will happen if I do this or that. There will be many times when you'll start stressing about something that you have no power over. These are times when you need to focus on the one who can.

2) You can have half a faith but that's not true faith

Half a faith to me are those times when I think I trust God but I don't. It's those moments when you think you have let go of something and given it to God when you're still holding onto them.

You won't realise your holding onto them until you face a situation where all the emotions come back and you realise you never truly trusted God with it. These are half faith moments to me. It's when I have faith in God but only halfway.

An example is this:

My mom tells me to give her my room. I can trust her and give it to her but halfway through I later think "But what will she be doing with my room? Why does she need it?  How will she deal with it? How long will it take"

It means I haven't truly fully trusted her because I still have doubts. This can happen with God too when he let go of something but then ask millions of question just to realise I never truly trusted God in the first place.

So He taught me that I won't survive where He is calling me to be with that half faith attitude. I need to fully trust Him (like with my mom, trust her enough with my room) to not need to know all the details.

Trust me, most times God doesn't give any details. It's mostly short and brief because it can be too much for you to know everything at once. He will tell you He needs you to hand him over something and you need to trust him enough not to go back to it and try to gain some sort of information and control. You'll drive yourself nuts for nothing because He loves you and wants the best for you.

3) If you're not happy now with the things you have. You will never be happy with what you want.

1 Timothy 6:8-11
8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Now if you want something/jealous/envy/comparing etc you would roll your eyes because you truly believe with that one thing you would be so much more content and in peace.

You wouldn't. The truth is, everything you have now is enough. No amount of fame, beauty or friends could make you happier then you are now. It could make you happy but for so little time that your back to how your feeling right now. You go back to how your feeling now. The excitement will go down eventually and if you're not careful, you can fall into the 'more trap' because the only person you should expect to give you complete fulfilment and joy is Christ.

That more trap is when you get what you want but you want even more. It leaves you in this chase for more of something but you never feel fulfilled. You got the car but you need the apartment, you then see others build their own homes so you want that too, then you want to travel everywhere so you do that too etc

It never stops. No matter how much you feel like "okay, after this one thing. I'll be happy God. I only want a simple life so after this, it's over"

It never will be over. You'll always want more unless you start taking a pause and realize what you have right now is already a grace. You're alive, saved and you ahve your eternity secured in Christ, a Friend who will never leave you or forsake you and promised peace, that is enough to praise God for. When you find joy in waking up and having a bed. Then you'll be in peace because this is all you need for this season. Everything else will have its time, not when you want it but when you're ready for it.

4) There isn't someone else to be who God called you to be.

Now, this sounds odd because we hear the is a better version of us. There is but what I mean is a better person than you.

We always imagine a better US. For some it's a more talented them, others are a person with a better lifestyle like the aesthetic kind we find on social media, others it's more friends and a better social life and others it's beauty.

There is no such thing as a better person than you. No one can be who called you to be then yourself . You can always work on yourself on building skills etc but at the end of the day, this is all you have and need. There isn't a more good version of you.

5) Trust the direction of God in who Hr called you to be

No, this isn't a typical trust God will for your life but its more than that. I get messages from some girls who say they aren't sure what career path to choose and I was in the same boat. I always told them that you should choose what you lean most too or feel led to and go in faith. If you make a choice, perhaps let's say going to medical school, trust that if God doesn't see you there and you're in submission, obedience and seeking His guidance, He will redirect you to where He sees you. When you surrender trusting God has control, He has control over everything.

I asked my youth teacher about this and she said that she once had a friend who learned to be a pilot but after 7 years of doing that God led him to be a preacher and he is one till this day.

When you choose to surrender your life, wilm and way, live in righteous and desire God's will above your own, dont overthink but trust even if this is the wrong road and God doesn't want me choosing this career path that He'll direct me to the right one. He simply won't let His daughter who boldly trust in Him to be led astray.

6) The best advice you can hear are the ones that cut you like a knife at the beginning of your faith.

There were so many times when I seeker advice from those older and wiser then I and their advice felt so painful but it's what I needed.

I often thought "but do they realise how difficult it is? Do they know how I feel?"

Truth is. Most people do know how you feel. The situations you face aren't as unique as we think they are. God has seen them so many times that's why He knows what His doing yet we feel like no one understands and gets us.

No one knows truly how it feels the way you feel it but they can always relate to something as close to it as possible.

But the best advice you need to place close attention to is those that irritate and bother you because those are the ones someyimes need.

Peoples advice regarding boundaries for example might appear restrictive, as if they are being too much but in the long run you'll see how it saved you from making many mistakes.

7) Trials reveal your faith.

They do. When you faced with a horrible situation now its time to see if what you're writing on your bio that you trust God is truly true.

It's very easy to say it but during those confusing moments, the lonely nights and pain. Do you sing hallelujah as you used too?

They reveal your true faith in God. I always admired those who have gone through the worst in life yet smile every day praising God. They make my jaw drop down to the floor and even challenge me to be better on my trust in God

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