To go far with God you must be willing to pay the price. Before I spoke about going deeper, if you haven't read that chapter already I recommend it.
One of the ways we grow deeper is by consecrating and disciplining ourselves.
To consecrate means to be set apart. I've written about being set apart before so you can read that chapter too. To be disciplined speaks of consistency which I also wrote about.
Discipline gives a kind of purpose to consistency. We are consistent in our disciplines. Disciplines are things you do to achieve a goal.
You cannot just say "I want to read my bible more this year or pray more this year.
No, you need to place discipline. You have to come up with strategies, plans and ways you'll reach that goal. For someone to grow to be fluent in a language they should know it requires they set aside time to practice and learn the language, not just for a day but consistently.
For someone to learn a musical instrument it requires they try practising every day.
It takes discipline to remain consistent for a long time. It's easy to be consistent at the beginning of a new year. Everyone is excited, everyone wants something new and there is enough zeal and passion to set goals for a 'new year, new me '.
But do you know what's difficult? Still practising that language when your family is going through problem after problem. Still learning that instrument despite the attacks of illnesses you've been getting. Still praying though you're bombarded by homework. Still reading the word when you have assignments and chores to do. Still seeking God when you're tired and feel like giving up.
Not everyone makes it to this level. Most of us get scared by the little wind the enemy throws at us. The enemy blows and we tremble. When we commit to something, know they'll be opposition.
And first coming from you!
The bible says how the spirit and flesh are against each other (Galatians 5:17). The things you should do, you will struggle to do because your flesh changes. One day you're motivated the next moment you're feeling lazy. One moment you're good, the next moment you feel like crying. One moment you're confident and the next insecurity overwhelms you.
We make the mistake of making our disciplines just as inconsistent as ourselves. Reading the bible is a must for every day. Whether you're on vacation or you're in the middle of exams, you never take a break from spending time with God.
Even if it's just one verse, you still prioritise God's word.
This is where discipline comes to you. You set a time when you want to pray. You tell yourself you'll set an alarm for this time every day to pray and study the word of God. And you stick to it. No matter what. In good and bad.
I love the wedding vow 'the man: "I, (his name), take you (her name ), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.'
It speaks of consistency in loving and choosing each other despite any trials, situations and things they'll face. They choose each other.
If you say things like how you want to grow in your relationship with God and grow closer to Him, you're fooling yourself unless you set discipline for it.
Ask yourself how you'll achieve your goals. How will you learn that language? How will you pray more?
For example, if you want to grow in your relationship with God you need to set disciplines that will you closer to God. Ask yourself what brings you closer to God
Advice For The Christian Girl
SpiritüelIn this book, I give advice, encouragement, help, and tips to grow into the women God has called us to be. Note: this book can also be read by guys if they desire to grow in their faith I pray that each chapter inspires and impacts your life. └────...